function r(){if(po(n),n.value===pf)throw new I(-950,!1);return n.value} follows

A nice place to escape reality!
Suzan Palumbo the yard goth.
Suzan Palumbo the yard goth.
Nebula, Aurora, WFA finalist, Ignyte Co Founder
"SKIN THIEF STORIES" Out now from Neon Hemlock. Countess: 2024 from ECW Press She/They BLM, HWA, Queer, 🇹🇹 🇨🇦 rep by Michael Curry. Banner: Matt Griffin
Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein
Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein
Pulp scholar specializing in H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard. Author of SEX AND THE CTHULHU MYTHOS. Reader of dead people's letters. He/him.
Mostly I'm here to lurk. (she/her)
Charles Stearns
Charles Stearns
software engineer/manager • IoT • pinball • boardgames • bourbon • tiki drinks • introvert • PDX • he/him
D is tired, but there is coffee
She/her fat, black queer, disabled femme I try to be kind. 
A Deaf sloth with ADHD. A long suffering academic with a PhD. Struggling writer. Now, where's my coffee?
Deanna Hoak
Deanna Hoak
Copyeditor specializing in fantasy and science fiction.
Madeline Ashby
Madeline Ashby
I write futures. GLASS HOUSES out 13 August 2024. Come fly with us.
Nora Bombay
Nora Bombay
Middle Aged. Mid Atlantic.
Permanently committed to Sparkle Motion

Same Nora Bombay as Tumblr, Twitter, Dreamwidth, LiveJournal and the finer places of the internet. she/her
Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic
You know... the weird one.
Rachel Esselle
Rachel Esselle
Writer. Demisexual with a hard Ace lean. SAG/AFTRA. Teacher's wife. Former journalist. Infertility Warrior. EDS Zebra.

Spanish Catholic on Dad's side. Ukrainian Jew on Mom's. Lots of guilt! She/Her
Jenny Rae Rappaport
Jenny Rae Rappaport
Writer of SFF stories. Published in Nature, Lightspeed, and Beneath Ceaseless Skies, among others. Member of SFWA and Codex. She/her.
Melinda M. Snodgrass
Melinda M. Snodgrass
Novelist, screenwriter, reformed lawyer, gamer, dressage rider.
Ann LeBlanc
Ann LeBlanc
Writer, Editor, Woodworker.
Stories in Clarkesworld, Strange Horizons, Apparition Lit. ⚧️

Debut novella: THE TRANSITIVE PROPERTIES OF CHEESE (2024, Neon Hemlock).

Editor of EMBODIED EXEGESIS, transfem cyberpunk anthology
Clarissa C. S. Ryan
Clarissa C. S. Ryan
I guess I'm here now? But also Where are any of us, really?

🏳️‍🌈🚀 sf/f writer, artist/designer, fan of things. GW2 player. Forever temporospatially disjointed. Ozarks→NorCal→Southern Tier NY. She/her, ish.
Jennifer Hudak
Jennifer Hudak
Writer of SFF, drinker of tea. Aging mermaid far from her natural habitat. SFWA/Codex/VP22
Crab Tales Magazine
Crab Tales Magazine
A SFF flash fiction magazine about crabs.

Art submissions: OPEN.
Fiction submissions: CLOSED.



100% circus peanut. They/them and sometimes She.
Mx. D.E. Anderson
Mx. D.E. Anderson
Author, they/them. Minneapolis resident and aloha shirt enthusiast.
dianna @
Rachael K. Jones
Rachael K. Jones
Hugo, Nebula, Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, & Otherwise Award-nominated SFF author. Podcaster, editor, SFWA & Codex. Secret android. She/her
Tired. Not mad, just disappointed. Queer, poly, witchy, switchy. Idk man I'm just here.
Eric Smith
Eric Smith
Literary Agent. Author. Perpetually Tired Dad. Latest books:

🎓 First-Year Orientation (with Lauren Gibaldi!)

💛 Jagged Little Pill: The Novel (with Alanis!)

🥪 With or Without You (just me… I’m sorry?)
Jess Liotta 🍄
Jess Liotta 🍄
Dual class 🇺🇸/🇮🇹 (siciliana, e imparando italiano). Also a mushroom forager, parent to two very fucking cool kids, and general food obsessive; be ready for me to be annoying about all the above. PNW now, CA before, PNW before that. She/her
Gail Simone
Gail Simone
Loves: Comics, Games, Travel, Writing, Greyhounds

Cyclops is so great

I write lots of comics, animation, games and more. Come join us, won't me?
Stina Leicht (‘lite' like the beer)
Stina Leicht (‘lite' like the beer)
SFF #author PERSEPHONE STATION, LOKI'S RING she/they Feminist queer ADHD PTSD Dyslexic. Agent: Hannah Bowman, Saga Press

New SF/Space Opera coming in 2025: HELIX FALLS
Just a typical Black, bi, polyam, disabled, gamer, sff fan geek. I make pretty things with rocks and string and wire.
Sobriety Date 12/22/09. Buddhish. Vulgar, but trying to be clever. ADHD. Sleepy.

My Posts, Innit
All the Galaxies!
All the Galaxies!
Posting galaxies classified by the public on Galaxy Zoo,

Thumbnail credit: ESA/Webb, NASA & CSA, A. Adamo (Stockholm University) and the FEAST JWST team
Header credit: NASA, ESA, Zachary Schutte (XGI), Amy Reines (XGI), Alyssa Pagan (STScI)
anjali patel
anjali patel
SFF (Escape Pod, Uncanny, Fantasy, khōréō, The Deadlands, Bridge to Elsewhere and others). software engineer at Etsy. she/her.

Brooklyn Books & Booze @ Barrow's Intense
Brooklyn Books & Booze @ Barrow's Intense
Brooklyn Books & Booze @ Barrow's Intense Ginger Tasting Room brings you authors of all genres reading every 3rd Tues.

More info:

Want to read with us? Sign up here:
Fat white lady in glasses near Seattle. Have inhaler will travel. She/her. 50+
Brian Fitzpatrick
Brian Fitzpatrick
Chasing Wonder, Engineer, Author, ORD Camp Instigator, Feminist. Previously: Founder & CTO of Tock, Xoogler, Ex-Apple. He/Him.

Optimizing for kindness
Michael Benveniste
Almost Retired.
Dominique Dickey (they/them)
Dominique Dickey (they/them)
Sturgeon Award finalist fiction miscreant || Nebula-winning rpg hooligan || designer/editor at Monte Cook Games || JHU alum || they/them || keep up with my work at
Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon For Our Futures
Glasgow 2024, A Worldcon For Our Futures
The official account for Worldcon (World Science Fiction Convention) that will be hosted in Glasgow in 2024.
Diane Lacey
Diane Lacey
Owned by cats
Sandra Tayler
Sandra Tayler
Writer of words, Maker of books, Caretaker of many things, publisher for Schlock Mercenary, she/her
Martha Wells
Martha Wells
SF/F Writer - The Books of the Raksura, The Murderbot Diaries, Witch King, and more. Nebula and Hugo Award winner. NYT and Sunday Times Bestseller. (She/her) Agent: Jennifer Jackson
Claire Rousseau
Claire Rousseau
SFF nerd, fangirl, #TeamADHD; woodworking & gardening noob, lapsed booktuber & Hugo Award Loser³. For my sins, I work for ManyATrueNerd. She/Her
Rachel Gutin
Rachel Gutin
Teacher. Author. Accidental collector of books, assorted craft supplies, and a disturbing number of fountain pen ink samples. #Jewish #Queer she/her
Aaron Mehta
Aaron Mehta
Editor in chief of, shameless Boston sports nerd.
Politics, prose, pro soccer, pretty good cook. Petering out being alliterative presently
Funranium (AKA Phil Broughton)
Funranium (AKA Phil Broughton)
The Cenobite of Sharing

The Black Blood of the Earth and Steins of Science guy. Everyone’s friendly internet laser safety officer and health physicist. Happy to answer Antarctica questions.
Petti Crocker
Petti Crocker
Just some awkward person. Queer, Celiac, AuDHD/NVLD, Xennial, higher ed professional, nerdlesque performer, karaoke snob, multi-dimensional dork. (she/they)

Venmo: PettiCrocker
Martha 🏳️‍⚧️
Martha 🏳️‍⚧️
That person at the party who won't shut up about birds. Galbatross Project; Feminist Bird Club. They/them.
Kim-Mei Kirtland
Kim-Mei Kirtland
Rebecca Matte
Rebecca Matte
Literary Agent & Contract Manager Bradford Literary Agency. NYC OATH Settlement Officer. Author in Progress. Always a nerd. She/her.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
Monterey Bay Aquarium
How do you do, fellow squids? 🌊 We're your frondly Aquarium with a mission to inspire conservation of the ocean.
Eleonor Piteira
Eleonor Piteira
Pés na terra e asas na mão | Freelance Illustrator from Portugal 🇵🇹 | she/her | | Clients: LSS, Digital Extremes, Del Rey, Tor Books


No NF/Ts, No A/I 'art'