Petti Crocker

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Petti Crocker

Just some awkward person. Queer, Celiac, AuDHD/NVLD, Xennial, higher ed professional, nerdlesque performer, karaoke snob, multi-dimensional dork. (she/they)

Venmo: PettiCrocker
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Angry, frightened, white Boomers witnessing the sunset of their unquestioned privilege in real time + the electoral college. That's how. And for my part, I'm still stunned Brexit happened. But it probably has similar DNA. We don't have the market cornered on myopic, easily-manipulated old bigots.
Many of my overseas friends think Americans are nuts and incredibly stupid for electing Trump the first time. They cannot understand how this is a close election. I live here and don't understand it either.
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this is a jd Vance combo dolphin/couch joke. you choose
flipper, I don’t even know her
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Also having a BRAT summer, but it's bananas, rice, applesauce and toast.
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8-SECOND KAMALA HARRIS AD: TRUMP AT RALLY: "And then their campaign says (goofy voice) 'I'm the prosecutor, and he is the convicted felon—" HARRIS (VOICEOVER): "I'm Kamala Harris, and I approve this message."
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Heh, so, y’know that show? The Boys? Turns out JD Vance has something in common with one of the major characters in the show, The Deep. And it sure isn’t super-strength.
JD Vance searches for animal porn.
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There’s always a dril quote
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the only drawback of the couch story is that it may make people doubt the explicit dolphin-based search history story
Oh this is excellent timing with my “Pam Poovey fucks a dolphin puppet” burlesque act that I’m doing tonight
hahahaahahahahah!!!!!!! This one is true
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hahahaahahahahah!!!!!!! This one is true
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To put it more plainly: JD Vance very vocally wants to kill and torture my loved ones, destroy my home country, and help other global dictators and oligarchs consolidate power. Insinuating that Vance fucks couches is the absolute nicest thing I can say about him in public.
“Expressing sentiments via humor that might otherwise be expressed via other, less peaceful means” is, I’d suspect, a pretty key reason people started mocking each other in the first place, many millennia ago.
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“Netanyahu was upset by vice president Harris…” GOOD 👍🏽
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Project 2025 is like the point in the movie where the evil villain monologues his detailed plans right before the hero breaks free and stuffs him into a chipper shredder
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he's not even a real hillbilly
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if you don’t think some people are born for show business, consider this: Bill Nye could have been any kind of guy and his intro would still rhyme
Showered, took meds, got dressed, and back in bed. My brain is still in weekday mode despite being “on vacation.” There aren’t a whole lot of panels I’m super interested in at this con, and opening ceremonies aren’t until 1:00. So I guess I’ll try to sleep a little bit more. Gonna be a long night.
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Underrated bonus of Vance-fucks-couches memes is that there's a fair chance whatever process goes on in Trump's brain to transform things he heard in passing once into absolute statements of truth, will also lead to him believing with total, unshakeable conviction that his VP pick is a couch fucker.
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he clicks the button again. you do not understand the image on the screen. he does not explain. you understand the color of blood. the color of rust. an old machine. a weapon, maybe. interlocking teeth. tarnished chrome reflecting distorted figures. he clicks the button again. you see yourself
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A married man, deeply in love with one of his closest friends, simply cherished her without hurting anyone… even dancing with her at her wedding a year before she died. Don’t tell me men lack the will for self control.
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It wasn’t until Jones was on her death bed (1983) that Astin confessed his love and she admitted she loved him too. It’s been 41 years since she passed and even today, Astin (94)still speaks of her with love and admiration.
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I only just learned that much of the chemistry between Morticia and Gomez was due to Jon Astin and Carolyn Jones being very much in love with each other.
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Dying at the idea that Trump thought J.D. Vance would give his ticket and movement intellectual heft, and the response has been this guy is so off-putting that they’re memeing him as a guy who has sex with furniture. Like the ultimate emperor has no clothes moment for an entire political movement.
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It works fr Who's the dude who loves a couch With stitching that’s so tight C-O-U-C-H F-U-C-K-E-R JD! JD! JD! This la-z-boys a treat C-O-U-C-H F-U-C-K-E-R
Holy shit, spelling out C-O-U-C-H-F-U-C-K-E-R to this tune absolutely does work If you’re not sure you should try it 😈
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I'm gonna go limp off to a retirement home now.
Obama's middle name is actually Hussein? Fox's heads must have been exploding in 2008.
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Here's Snoop Dogg hanging out with the US Fencing Team. Everyone looks so happy. I love that Snoop just shows up randomly at shit these days. He's having a great time.
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Mike Mills: *piano intro* Michael Stipe: "Couch fuckiiiiiing."
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Kris Kross was right. This shit really is wiggity wiggity whack.
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if richard simmons cause of death at 76 turns out to be heart related while trump lives to 78 cardio is officially canceled forever just so were all on the same page