
In other news, I have discovered the goodness of gin.
BEWARE it's good up to a point AND THEN
and then you run out... unless you have refill packs.
I have *never* seen booze with refill packs!!! Is it any good?
My dad once drank so much gin he was sick and hungover for two days, then refused to ever drink gin again. A few weeks ago I poured two fingers of Tanqueray Rangpur into a glass of cranberry juice and told him to try that. We are now going through about a bottle of it every week.
any more than two gins just makes ya mean
And then you're sitting around the dining room table playing a Deadlands TTRPG enjoying your second gin as your gunslinger character is making choices. You decide to have a 3rd gin, because the 2nd one hasn't hit yet, and suddenly, the Gin Slinger™️ is born.
Never understood how gin has ANY goodness... It's what I imagine drinking Pine-Sol would be like. Give me vodka, or give me beer! Or.... something like that.
Yeah, it's a lot of fun until the next day
I'd argue "down to a point", but ... valid. Sometime challenging because novice distilleries that haven't quite worked quality control yet can make a gin. (Western gins are better than London, IMHO. Aviation and Prairie have decent US national availability. Try 'em in bloodies and cosmos!)
😂 My wife always thought she hated gin Then worked out what she hated was tonic 😂 Very expensive revelation that
There's definitely a sliding scale for gin, but the good ones are amazing. I know liquor laws are a patchwork of inconsistent regulations, but I highly recommend Aria Gin and Freeland Spirits if they're available. They're both Portland micro distillers, and IMHO their stuff is better than Hendricks.
When you visit I'm gonna bring you to a poitín bar..
Several other suggestions: (I like showing off my workplace environment.) Special mention to Gray Whale (great dirty martini), Awayuki (it’s strawberries!!), Bayab (smells like pineapples!), St George Terroir (NorCal plants!), Sweet Gwendoline (just delish!), Diega Rosa (Mexican! Like Perfume!).
Might I suggest (if you’re feeling fancy)… Monkey 47 It’s great just on rocks with a grapefruit twist.
There’s always a bottle in my freezer. Pours like syrup.
Same! I found out years ago that Botanist gin in the freezer is perfect for Gibson martinis.
Coat the frozen martini glass with vermouth, pour the excess back into the bottle. Fill with Beefeaters syrup. Spear 2 huge olives & insert. Light cigar on the deck. Raise glass. Sigh. Summer afternoons.
Sounds lovely, although not quite for me. Cocktail onions are my go to for martinis. With a twist, if places don't have onions.
If I can make a recommendation? Devil’s Bathub Gin is good, you can drink it neat. Tastes peppery. Comes from Honeoye Falls distillery in upstate NY. Changed how I thought about gin.
My go to summer drink is 2 oz gin, the juice of half a lime, and 10-12 oz diet tonic water. It's incredibly refreshing!
G&T is a classic summertime drink. Have you tried playing around with various bitters at all?
Just a bit. I mostly used them in Manhattans and Old Fashioneds, which I don't drink much of anymore. My all time favorite is Bittermens Elemakule Tiki Bitters. Back on the gin track, another great gin cocktail is Audrey Saunders' Earl Grey MarTEAni.