Peter Gratton

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Peter Gratton

Philosopher and the best investment guru in philosophy since Thales.
Gratuities! Legal gratuities, not bribes. Big difference (apparently)
Happens whenever I gloss over the front page of the Times—it reads like it’s a certain loss. And yet their own polling team says it’s a dead heat.
But first up—and quite originalist—would be to make them ride the circuit as in the 19th century. They are really too on their own like it’s Versailles—humble them a bit.
Yeah, the Kagan opinion in Loper and Sotomayor in Trump v US both threaded the point that this was about court sovereignty—leaving the ambiguity so they would always be the deciders.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Gratton
She lay awake all Saturday night thinking "God swatted aside the bullet, now I too shall be an instrument of His will"
LOL at all the mfs who did their "Aileen Cannon may be an unorthodox jurist but she's serious and sincere about her honest convictions" pieces
Reposted byAvatar Peter Gratton
As a college professor, I am going to predict that the 20-year-old shooter did not actually have a very coherent or well-articulated political philosophy or theory of change.
—also a man who is at times the wealthiest ever.
In the midst of everything, it’s really going. To be hard to get a talk show panel from 1989 together.
So when Bouie comes back, we’re going to keep our promise and not abuse him for, what, like 3 hours?
Reposted byAvatar Peter Gratton
i need to read a book about the history of the polgygraph. that pseudoscience bullshit ruined so many lives
I know I’ve deep dived on the history of them at some point—back to the 1910s but I don’t remember a good book. It’s just waiting for ya Talia.
No clearly your skills are better [checks Indeed] spent checking AI responses for 10 bucks an hour or in marketing. But with your skills, you could aim for some corporate marketing gig for a little bump. It’s terrible out there!
Off duty is a legal argument, not a fact. Which is odd. But then the coup de grace:
So I went to fact check this—my god how many Houston police/sexual assault/ qualified immunity cases are there?
That checks. One time frolicking in the woods, …
Biden quiets crowds booing the press—saying “no, no, I’m not perfect, I’ve made mistakes”…understanding their role. Then launches into how Dems just want to help them focus better. Yea a little different than the fenced-in pens of the Trump rallies.
None of you f’ers ruin one of the few people who seems to have aged, like Dolly Parton, with people only having good things to say about her. If she littered or drove a cybertruck—I don’t want to hear it.
Ruth Westheimer, the psychologist known as “Dr. Ruth” who became America’s best-known sex counselor with her frank, funny radio and TV programs, died on Friday. She was 96.
I know people roll their eyes at that signs but we bought right next to a family that had up a “in this house, we believe…” sign and …thank god.
Yeah it’s the similar way New Yorkers pity people from anywhere else.
Good speech last night. Juice him on adderall until we get over the finish line.
She was everywhere in the 80s. I don’t know how many people she made feel less shamed and alone just by putting herself on some of the most terrible shows imaginable.
It’s not the bribe so much as how we cheap we sell favorable tax cuts and court rulings worth billions. You’re on the only Supreme Court. You have no competitors. Have some dignity and haggle.
What a world—the bozos saying utopia is neigh with crypto or AI or VR get endless glowing press. But people who go “maybe not every product is world transforming” have to start off like “I’m no doomer. I believe in shit products as much as the next guy.”
Also — in one rare instance you got that early promise of Twitter: to engage directly with the best writer at our most powerful journalistic institution. And you chose to chase him down most days because you didn’t know there were two houses or Congress, etc?
Wait, didn’t you get the pop-up for my service? It reviews and ranks each private vendor. A brief questionnaire and our algorithm helps you choose the vendor meant for you. Plus we’ll keep your info on file to autofill your info for each new ID portal. Now abt the small fee…
So this what the takes in late January are going to be like as deportations begin--"Hiring up in border town food halls for to feed armies dragging people into Mexico..."
I know exactly what to expect, the dozens of pages on the "potential" of Wrong Answer Bots to save us from climate change only to give us in one page (32) that actually Google's AI has caused almost a 50% increase in its emissions in just a few years is rage-inducing
This is very good, not least because it might be the first reported use in the 2000s of “hat trick” in non-sport writing to understand what it is.
Sure ‘Merica is known for making slapping a sport and for immunizing the worst people ever, but snark like this is a national treasure.