Peter Josyph

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Peter Josyph

Author - Actor - Painter - Filmmaker
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Hobbes’s view of the univ strikes again: FL lawyer argues that public-uni profs can’t criticize gov b/c “the professor’s speech is the government’s speech and the government can restrict professors…from offering viewpoints.” Same ideology is reflected in Quebec’s ban on teachers wearing hijabs.
Fla. argues it could stop professors from criticizing A nationally prominent conservative lawyer, hired to defend the state’s Stop WOKE Act, asserted that what public university professors say in classrooms “is the government’s speech.” The national impl...
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JD Vance is particularly odious to me because we’re roughly the same age and from the same part of Ohio and I grew up with a hundred pasty, squishy faced white dudes like him & they’re all convinced they’re marginalized because you can’t smoke at Waffle House or say the n-word anymore
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It's still trying to make up its mind.
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Josyph
Reposted byAvatar Peter Josyph
Andrea Kowch often depicts people interacting awkwardly with the world of nature ~ here’s her dream-like, chaotic depiction of three disconcerted women baking pies, contending with a fierce dog and invasive crows in a strangely windswept kitchen (The Visitors)
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"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way." ~ Charles Bukowski
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Ha. Yeah. I know what you mean. I'm a bit like that n'all. I'd have probably had a place in their society too. Here, now, I'm a schizophrenic, mad and medicated. Back then, to them lot, I'd have been a Mystic or Seer. Apprentice to the Shaman as a boy. I always had an affinity with infinity.
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Josyph
'British soldier with experimental body armor meeting with his medieval counterpart; ca. October 1917'
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Quentin Tarantino has taken up the hobby of birding.
I just found this in the archives and thought people might appreciate a #WorstBirdPic. I almost deleted it before realizing there is technically a bird in it. lol #birds 🌿 #PlacesBirdsWereTwoSecondsAgo #PhotographyFails
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Best part of Russian novels is that you’re never quite sure if a new name is a new character vs a character you already know being addressed by their barber instead of their mom
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Betty Blythe as the title character of SHE. The novel has been continuously adapted to the screen but the “immortal queen digs bland Englishman” storyline has been a tough row to hoe at the cinema
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damnit went to the store without a list and yet AGAIN forgot to buy aluminum foil, lemons or a judge
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I made this into a proper response to the absolutely misplaced calls to "turn down the heat":
My first thought this morning after I remembered the news was how many people over the last few years have put their bodies between armed far right guys and kids going to the library or a bookstore
Where Were Calls for De-Escalation When Libraries Were Being Targeted? Trump’s fans seem determined to blame this shooting on their victims.
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Josyph
And if you need some context here: California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Its electrical grid seems to be on a very short path to being 100% renewable. If they can do it—adding grid stability also!—others can too. If you're a climate doomer, let this brighten your sky today, just a bit
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
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my father just wandered into the house with a completely disgusted look on his face, muttered “JD fuckin’ Vance?!” and wandered back out to the grill if you want to know how this is going over with normie liberals
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Reposted byAvatar Peter Josyph
I always love watching people discover, or rediscover, this performance. Happy to answer any questions people might have about it. One thing I’ll highlight: he _always_ played like this! This was what he did every time out. (Also? The guitar was caught by Prince’s tech Taki, who handed it to Oprah.)
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The attempted assassination of Donald Trump does not erase the crimes that Trump himself has committed against American democracy, or the crimes he would commit if given the chance, and no one is obligated to pretend otherwise
Nothing About the Attempted Assassination Redeems This crime does not erase what the former president has done, or what he has promised to do.
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I here you. I'm only 53.and I always wonder, as I lay down, if I'm going to wake up the morning. The sun is a primal force. I'm primal n'all, and I see symbols everywhere. There's a fella on here, occasionally posts a sunrise. I suppose we don't see so many of them.
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You could throw out of your turret fragments of poetry, Holderlin style.
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Sully-sur-Loire Castle, France, UNESCO World Heritage Site #Alphabetchallenge #WeekCforCircles 📷 #landscapephotography #travel
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Yes, you see correctly, there is a drawn person on the right side of this manuscript page trying to slurp away the dirt-stained part of the page with a giant straw. #bookhistory #skystorians
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B.B. King in the studio (1971)