
Just at the most basic level it is really unhealthy to have to thought about Donald Trump as much as everyone in America has over the last nine or so years. Spending a decade of my life thinking about a super boring, super shitty crook and all the bad stuff he's doing or might do. It's embarrassing.
I always thought if we had a complete maniac running the country it would at least be a cool Caligula type of guy naming horses to the Supreme Court but it turns out it’s just a weird guy airing his grievances about a Vanity Fair article no one has ever read
when fascism comes to america it is very wet and yelling about how gillian anderson was “nasty, very nasty” at peter luger in 1995
narcissists are boring! they only talk about themselves! we have heard all his stories by now and they are so deeply deeply uninteresting
it would be kind of cool if he started telling the real stories re: just the wildly perverse criminal shit he's been up to. go full henry hill 'i always wanted to be a scumbag'
'so i was hunting guys from a helicopter in the pine barrens with a bunch of russian prostitutes and a saudi prince we are blasted on adderall and i realize i have to be at the apprentice in an hour but my diapers are full so i ask who wants ten thousand dollars to eat my diaper but i didn't pay'
I feel like looking Trump in the eyes and saying "you're boring and nobody wants to hear your voice ever" at just the right time in his Adderall cycle for it to penetrate soul-deep would be the cruelest thing you could do to him and I call dibs.
People reading out loud the mean things they said about him online to his face during NYC jury selection was pretty good
The unhinged ones about sharks, boat batteries, and windmill cancer are a little amusing. The format is the same, "I'm the only person asking smart questions", but the delusions are at least more interesting. They're also far more terrifying in that 70+ million people are still gonna vote for him.
Remember when he wanted to pass a law that SNL had to be less biased towards him?
grab her by the pussy - Emperor Nero
and when youre a divine being descended from literal gods they let you do it
Im reeling from the revenge fantasies martha ross alito is dreaming on the lgbtq community because a fashion writer made fun of her dress. Vergogna, mrs Caesar, vergogna!
With clown hair and orange spray tan over a hideous mug
a Roman ruler naming his horse to the senate probably happened but it was more an insult to the senators, but the maniac running our country wouldn't understand the insult without an answer key.
They’ve been very, very unfair to Nero.
I bet people got tired of Caligula too
I still can't believe it is the better part of a decade
More than that if you include his time as the leader of the birther brigade. We’ve had to listen to that shithead since what - 2010?
I'm calling Mandela Effect on this new tidbit. Didn't happen in the main timeline, it was from a late patch. Not canon!
It was a small blip in politics but reading this description is like a foreshadowing of everything insane about his actual presidency. A million dysfunctional events crammed into four months:
Donald Trump 2000 presidential campaign -
Since he bought MAL in 1985 local news and TV
Oh hon. We’re gonna have to smell his 💩 for years & years to come.
In ten years or whatever, people are going to be walking around with PhDs they got for a dissertation about President Trump. Deeply embarrassing country.
The year is 2070 and The History Channel’s ten most popular shows are documentaries about The Rise and Fall of the Third Trump Term
No. Take back that cursed thought right now
My lord is that more cursed than Harvard University’s endowed chair of Our Blessed Sacred Trump studies? I can get more and more cursed
If Trump wins this cursed shit and anti-woke gender studies only are going to be the only way to keep a University funded
next episode: the baron years...
Is this because of a self-coup, or because we somehow repealed the 22nd Amendment, or because it was Ivanka’s turn—I mean, term?
There’s gonna be SO MANY because there’s so many topics to choose from
Similar to an argument I make to my MAGA parents, which is “Man we were tired of this asshole before he even had a reality show”
It's especially bad if you're old like me. That decade could basically be half my remaining years.
All my favorite accounts religiously screenshot and post his Truth Social rants (the more minimal or non-existent the accompanying commentary the better!) on the regular so that I can shake my head and say Oh That Donald, Breaking Norms Again
I thought we learned our lesson when Ronald Reagan became president and everybody thought it was a bad idea that somebody that was famous became president.
learning lessons is a strictly antiamerican concept. sounds soviet to me 🤔
Republicans *love* celebrities, always have always will! The only reason they'd turned so viciously against Hollywood is because they were deeply hurt that there were so few famous people left who agreed with them, not because they were taking a stand against vapidity and lack of expertise, lol
We could have had Robin Williams, just imagine him trolling at the SOTU
Well Arnold didn’t do the worst job ever, is what I understand, so he muddied the waters ?
and the Republican Trump hagiography when he’s finally gone is going to be totally off the wall
Have fun driving down Donald J Trump highway to the Donald J Trump International Airport
I live within walking distance of Ronald Reagan airport located (until pretty recently) on Robert E Lee Highway so it’s a real possibility