Paul Fyfe

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Paul Fyfe

Assoc Professor at NC State University. Wandering between worlds of C19th British lit, comparative media studies, critical data literacies. Book *Digital Victorians* forthcoming Fall 2024 (Stanford UP)
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Removing most or even many of these departments would mean ceasing to function as a university for all intents and purposes. Looking for cost savings by analyzing department “cash flow” is extremely short sighted, there are a lot of interconnected pieces here that are difficult to disentangle.
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After developing it over a few recent speaking engagements, my talk "The Scissors, the Paste-Pot, & the Large Language Model" is on my site at - continuing to try thinking in nuanced ways about what book history can teach us about LLMs & what they might teach about BH
The Scissors, the Paste-Pot, and the Large Language Model | Ryan C. Book history, digital humanities, old newspapers, and information sciences
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I am beyond thrilled to share that DATA BY DESIGN: AN INTERACTIVE HISTORY OF DATA VISUALIZATION, 1789-1900 is now open for community review at 💚 📊 📊 💙. It's the work of 15+ people across 5 institutions, 2 continents, 2 babies, and a global pandemic. A 🧵 but first:
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What’s hard is that you first have to learn everything but then leave 3/4 of it out. Learning what to leave out takes so much experience. If you don’t do it you’ve got a clotted mess. But if you don’t learn enough first your work will collapse like a house of cards
It's such a heartbreaking shitshow that, now, social media makes me want to go back to grading.
Saw the phrase "Content Engineering" in an AI-related substack and now wondering if we should rebrand the English department
This is hugely informative. Lots of valuable perspectives in here:
Sharing some initial findings, still very much in process, from my focus groups with Undergrad Students discussing Generative AI. Excited to share this which I hope will help break us out of talking about student AI use in terms of "lazy cheaters" or "AI natives"
AI Focus Groups – Summary of Initial Undergrad students are neither the lazy AI abusing cheaters students are sometimes accused of being, nor were they the savvy “AI natives” they are sometimes hailed as. They were people …
I guess having nothing to lose can breed methodological innovation
Yes, and that’s part of the reason for the gap. English lit people can do computational work *because* no one else cares about literature per se—Econ, sociology, and poli sci all provide better environments for studying aspects of history than does History itself in the US.
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Now that systems combine AI with search, there are a million intriguing and useful forms of AI research assistance, all of them also problematic. I call for skeptical exploration!, slides from my recent keynote for the Georgia International Conference on Information Literacy.
AI for Research Assistance: Skeptical AI for Research Assistance: Skeptical Approaches skepticalAIresearch Anna Mills, English Instructor, College of Marin From a keynote address to GICOIL April 19, 2024 Licensed CC BY NC ...
Uh, the transcript from, um, our classroom recording, uh, well, uh, it doesn't sound like the great class I, uh, remembered teaching yesterday on the, um, you know, The Beetle. Ugh.
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These "critical dataset studies" reading lists from the Knowing Machines project are 🔥🔥🔥:
"University of North Carolina System"
yep— if anybody sees their school’s name on that list they shd start talking to lawyers & forming a union asap
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English department people: this report just out from the Association of Departments of English is tremendous, the product of a lot of hard work by many people, and worth a read (and it's got pictures)
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We really do want to hear from you!
ODH is seeking feedback on the Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program through a call for comments. Please take a few minutes to help us shape the future of this program. Responses are due by March 31.
Call for Comments: ODH’s DHAG
Got a new toy: an Edison wax cylinder in its cardboard sleeve from 1905(?). $10 at a flea market, who knew? Playing it may require a more substantial investment.
OK, but how do they get off the worms?
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Big news: Carol Stabile & I are happy to share that The Ghost Reader Digital Companion is live on #ReanimatePublishing! Primary sources, bibliographies & pedagogical pieces on little-known women in media history (Europe & N. America, 1930s-1950s) 🧵
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Want to make sure everyone knows about the ProQuest UMI 75th Anniversary Comic Book, celebrating Eugene Power and friends
Anyone have recs for a designer / web designer with experience working with academic organizations? For potential revamp of org's visual identity and website?
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C19 friends: I’m excited to post in my new capacity as editor of Victorian Poetry. It’s been a wild year for the journal, which has a new home at JHUP. Below are some big announcements. Plz send me your work (even / esp if you aren’t a “Victorian poetry person”)!
Victorian Victorian Poetry publishes essays on mid- and late nineteenth-century poetries and archives, as considered from a wide range of approaches.
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Working on a 3 part post, using what I talked about at MLA. I answer the most common questions I get from colleagues in English about LLMs, English Curriculums, and Professional Content Creators who work with ML -- as someone working in the field.
In context of debates about publishing, copyright, and LLMs, here's an interesting twist: author publishes a chatbot coinciding with their own textbook:
The National Humanities Center is hiring someone to run its fellowship programs. Good job, good place.
AI detectors are unreliable, but after reading 30 student essays co-generated (on purpose) by ChatGPT, I can confidently advise you to flag anything that includes "grapple," "delve," "intertwined," "intricate," "ever-evolving," and--its apparent favorite word--"tapestry."
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Do you have words about generative AI's impact on education? I want to read them! I'm editing a special issue of Thresholds in Education alongside the amazing Stephen Monroe. ⚖ Proposals due 3/1/24. ↪ See linked CFP
Thresholds in Education (ISSN 0196-9641) Thresholds in Education (ISSN 0196-9641) CALL FOR PAPERS Guest Editors: Stephen Monroe & Marc Watkins University of Mississippi Special Issue: Generative AI’s Impact on Education The Thresho...
Teaching Q: I have a student not proficient in English who submitted a paper I thought was generated by AI (telltale phrasing, repetitions, generalizations, &c). They claimed to have written it, but did so entirely in Chinese and used a web-based translator (DeepL) to convert. What would you do?
First time back at NAVSA since pre-pandemic. Grateful for the collegiality, Victorianist verve, and brief time away in autumnal Bloomington.
Does anyone want to organize a DDH volume around machine learning and AI?
We are also very excited to announce that we are looking for guest editors for the next general edition of _Debates in the Digital Humanities_!! Please check out our CFP here: Please get in touch with any questions you might have!
Debates in the Digital Humanities -- Call for Transforming scholarly publications into living digital works
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