Phil Gyford

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Phil Gyford

I’m only active on Mastodon. And barely.
If I was chatting to you at Interesting last night... Unfortunately on the way home I was feeling rough and worse this morning. Just tested positive for Covid. So I hope you’ll be ok, and sorry!
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“Tonight We Die as a Family” a poem by Mohammed El-Kurd.
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once again it’s time to revisit the one moment we could’ve all come to our senses and collectively decided “I’m not ready for the internet”
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Looking for new work from start of Feb. Let me know if you need an experienced interaction designer on your team! I’d also be interested taking on a product manager role.
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If anyone is still indecisive because they think going to substack will help make their newsletter viable, hit me up. If the amplification of bigots won't dissuade you, maybe a story of the company wasting a writer's time like the worst commissioner you'd ever meet while freelancing will
Just a reminder here of why I won’t subscribe to your substack, why I won’t promote it for others to subscribe to, and why I’ll help you get off the platform so you’re not enabling those who want trans people dead and who would abet attacks on communities I love.
It might be hot today but I’ve been into it for years actually
End of feed.