
Sony Group Corp. will reportedly cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub “It will also gradually cease production of optical disc storage media products, including Blu-ray discs, according to the sources”
Sony Group to cut 250 jobs from recordable media business' key TOKYO (Kyodo) -- Sony Group Corp. will cut around 250 jobs from its recordable media business' key manufacturing hub in northeastern Japan and offer e
Bad move as blue-ray and other disc storage media are making a comeback. Largely due to Sony purging media from it's streaming that people thought they had purchased but had actually leased.
“The planned job cuts come amid a decline in demand for traditional storage formats such as Blu-ray discs”
Maybe for Sony, but my nieces and nephews and their crowd (late teens and early 20's) are moving into hard media & away from cloud streaming. Plus, I have been offered me a ton of record players, CD boom boxes & blu-ray players to review lately. These offers generally trend with market demand.
such analyzes are often so narrow too - so much of the current demand is satisfied by secondhand markets, folks buying things that have gone out of print, etc
From on Twitter: "This is about DVD-R and BD-R in Japan, which were common for time-shifting DVRs there. Obvs that market is kinda over. BUT HEY SCARE MONGERING"
there will be no trace of our modern civilization - just the pyramids and similar ancient ruins
do you happen to know if they're gonna phase out players? because that would be catastrophic.
Declining demand or declining options? Sony’s US anime affiliates have been dialing back the number of releases over the last couple of years.
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
PS6 digital-only *cue console warzzzzz*
Can you believe Xbox got hung out to dry in 2013 for proposing a physical copy that just lets you add to a digital library with a family of 10 other accounts, whereas this is nowhere as nice.
To be fair, they also spent half the presentation talking about using your Xbox to watch TV instead of games
To be unfair, that's half of what people ended up using them for. More than half, in some cases. Fuck, when they had the ability to snap YouTube to the side? So you can watch a tutorial or guide while playing? That was actually new and different. I used it so much. Before...The Incident.
They have a stockpile of OOP blu rays which they will dripfeed to the market. By 2029, a single Morbius blu ray will be worth $35,000
We should do the #StopKillingPhysicalMedia Movement. We don't want any of the Streaming Service committing an illegal business practice like what happened to The Crew that got shut down by Ubisoft.
Everything will be streaming. shut down last month.