Dr Pieter Peach

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Dr Pieter Peach


Anaesthesiologist | Previously virology | MPH |
rch.org.au, cabrini.com.au, CleanAirStars.com

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Also mastodon.social/@pieterpeach & mas.to/@cleanairstars

🩺Covid restrictions brought back at Tour de France buff.ly/3S6Sq7Q Masks must now be worn by everyone, including organizers , guests and journalists, who may be "in contact with the riders and members of the cycling teams" before and after the stages, said organizers. 😷🛟
Covid restrictions brought back at Tour de Francebuff.ly The Tour de France stepped up protective measures, to "limit health risks" in the face of a resurgence of Covid-19, which has affected several riders in recent days.
New study by Linsey Marr: “We aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 & pulled it through masks. After 1hr we were able to recover infectious virus from fabric masks but not an N95 or surgical mask. When we pressed artificial skin against the masks we found viral RNA but no infectious virus on the skin.” #MasksWork
Stability of Aerosolized SARS-CoV-2 on Masks and Transfer to Skinpubs.acs.org The potential for masks to act as fomites in the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 has been suggested but not demonstrated experimentally or observationally. In this study, we aerosolized a suspension of SAR...
We got tricked by science fiction into thinking a futuristic city is all about flying cars and crystal towers and hologram billboards but what it really looks like is nice apartment blocks, good mass transit, pedestrian zones with shade trees and safe bike lanes.
As academics, we should not tolerate such behavior. Words have consequences. Institutions bear responsibility and, like those threatening and falsely accusing scientists and public health officials, should be held accountable. That is not happening. Instead, scientists fear for their lives.
I urge you to read Dr. Fauci's transcribed interview where he goes into more detail about the threats to him and his family, including how the extreme rhetoric from politicians and other academics fuel this. This needs much more focus. Below, page one more clearly displayed. The rest follows 👇.
To the question of "is this what we have become", I *strongly* encourage you to watch this clip from CNN of Dr. Fauci talking about the threats to him and his family. Pay close attention to the guy on his right. Yes, this is what we have become. www.cnn.com/2024/06/03/p...
Takeaways from Fauci’s testimony at contentious House hearing on Covid-19 pandemic | CNN Politicswww.cnn.com Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, testified on Monday at a House subcommittee hearing about the US response to the Covid-19 pandemic ...
People are still confused about this, so let's be clear - the evidence shows that ivermectin DOES NOT WORK for COVID-19. The data showing that it worked turned out to be fake. We've now done large studies showing that it has no benefit as a treatment.
"Our time, energy, and resources would be better spent proceeding with long-established terms (eg, airborne and aerosol) that are well understood across the natural sciences to advance understanding of airborne transmission among clinicians + the public." www.thelancet.com/journals/lan...
Airborne pathogens: controlling words won’t control transmissionwww.thelancet.com WHO has proposed new terminology for “pathogens that transmit through the air”.1 The stated rationale is that “[d]uring the pandemic, the terms ‘airborne’, ‘airborne transmission’, ‘droplets’ and ‘aer...
Utter bullshit
In the alternative Republican universe “experimental” COVID vaccines “killed more people than COVID,” and “lockdowns were the most devastating event is U.S. history.” COVID was “the flu” and “created by scientists in a lab” so “the totalitarian leftist government could control you.” Bullshit.
Great session on indoor air and infection at CPHA with Prof Amy Li, Dr Raymond Tellier and Dr Mustafa Hirji. Kathleen Gadd and Dorothy Wigmore brought air cleaners and I subsequently felt safe enough to lose the respirator :)
"“Dealing with indoor air quality will have a direct effect on the health of children, on brain health, on intelligence, on opportunities in life. It’s an area where not only we have solutions. It also matters a great deal because these kids have their whole lives ahead of them.”"
Canada needs to improve indoor air quality for kids as an early wildfire season looms, advocates saywww.thestar.com Canada has the measures to improve indoor air quality for kids, a report finds — so why aren’t governments acting on them?
Reposting this article today for reasons. I'd encourage everyone to read it. It honestly is a pageturner. Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Airborne Transmission: Science Rejected, Lives Lost. Can Society Do Better? academic.oup.com/cid/article/...
Just incredible news on reviving Voyager I. Think of it: a computer chip 15 billion(!) miles away is broken. The solution is to repackage & move key software, w/ code sent via radio signal that takes 22+ hrs to reach that little 46yr old machine. AND IT IS WORKING. blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024...
NASA’s Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth – Voyagerblogs.nasa.gov
I'd love for people to accept/support elastomeric masks. $35, fitted, with a minimum five year lifepan. So economic. Environmentally friendly. Alas, not even allowed in my hospital system.
The images of the planes just rolling through a flat surface of water at Dubai airport...........it's so stunning to me how we're delivered the physical imagery of the climate crisis every few weeks, each time in a completely new way. None of this is subtle at all.
Do some good today, #DonateBlood if you're able.
This is a clear infringement of MY board game, Outpatient Medical Procedure.
Let's talk about "The Wedge Strategy" as it applies to creationism, vaccines, and science denialism of all stripes. The name derives from a document drafted in 1998 by leadership at the Discovery Institute & marked "Top Secret" and "Not For Distribution", but leaked by an HR contractor.
Agreed. That's why LLMs are currently useful for finding things and not for giving you reliable statements. If you can't or won't inspect each output's truth value, don't use them.
'People more & more realise the significance of good air quality & realise the problem with infection transmission. This is such an immediate look, you look at the CO2 sensor and if the concentration is elevated, it means there's a problem.' Professor Lidia Morawska www.abc.net.au/listen/progr...
Blueprint for improving indoor air quality - ABC listenwww.abc.net.au We spend 90 per cent of our time indoors but the quality of the air we breathe while we're there is largely unregulated. It's something experts have been wanting to change for two decades, but came i...