
It seems certain that Trump will try to make crime an issue in the debate, even though Biden has ended the Trump crime wave — homicides in 2024 will be far lower than 2020, and probably below 2019. But anyway, I was struck by this by Maria Bartiromo 1/
As someone who walks around NYC all the time, and also tracks the crime #s, I know how ridiculous this is. But it’s not just me. Weekend foot traffic in Midtown, where Fox has its offices, is higher than prepandemic; strangely, people don’t seem too terrified to go out 2/
Maybe Bartiromo can't walk anymore because all that Botox went to her brain.
Some middle-age folk will blame everything else in the world before admitting their knees hurt.
People are walking around there more because the chances of being karened to death by Maria Bartiromo have plummeted
Maria Bartiromo is obviously spewing lies to advance her narrative, but I would also suggest that comparing your anecdotal experience walking around as a (white) man to that of a woman is going to also be inherently flawed. I've never gotten cat called, but I know it happens all the time.
Are you claiming that white men can't see women also walking around in the day time?
This isn't a consequence of the 'immigrant invasion' she is claiming or nah?
Maria B claiming she can't walk the streets of NYC due to a crime wave that's Biden's doing bc 'immigrant invasion' or whatev
I know that a song is not a documentary, but "Summer In New York" by SOFI TUKKER is unlikely to have been written about a dystopian hellhole: And one of the YouTube comments is "You guys totally captured the vibe of the city in this song."
SOFI TUKKER - Summer In New York (Official Lyric Video) [Ultra Records] SOFI TUKKER - Summer In New YorkSOFI TUKKER - Summer In New York from Ultra Records available now!Stream/download WET TENNIS:
All the criminals are downtown on Wall St.
Imagine living in New York City and expecting people to believe you don’t walk around outside your house like that’s the entire point of living in this city
I love* when people with names like Bartiromo, O'Reilly, Cernovich, Hannity, and Arpaio insist that this time I swear bro we're right to be scared of the immigrants, not like all those other times when it was wrong. *Despise
I seriously doubt Maria B walked in NYC even in prior years, she seems the type to get limos everywhere even when the walking and the MTA would be quicker
iirc all the Fox News stars based in NYC get paid cars as part of their contracts, anyway
Seems like Fox would move its HQ if NYC was so terrible
Murdered by Migrants is the name of my Christian rock band. We gig all over Long Island, mainly at strip malls.
Can’t imagine a fraud, & liar, like Maria ButAroma has many safe places she can just walk around to begin with. Expect many people let her know what scum she has become.
Getting high on her own supply
I, for one, am waiting to see how this debate goes before deciding between the decent man and the seditionist.
Joey Ramone would be so extremely disappointed in her.
So she's admits to being racist? Points at least for honesty, I guess.
She doesn’t walk because she drives and drinks from the suburbs
"Trump crime wave", "Trumpflation", and "Trump deficit" need to trend.
“I don’t walk anywhere anymore because I can afford a limo and a chauffeur.” Privilege. It’s just pure freakin’ privilege.
She's kind of binned her credibility in recent years
Fear Sells! Fear is one of the drivers of our economy. Think home alarm systems, guns, media, and mostly politicians. The data may say crime is down, but one picture of one blond girl missing, killed or kidnapped on every news network for a month says NO.