
Labour’s campaign was extremely cautious, and given past defeats I understand why. But now the UK center-left has a huge majority in a system with many fewer choke points than in the U.S. Let’s hope they’re ready to govern like the dominant party they now are
the terf stuff like wanting to meet with jk Rowling is depressing as is the Cass report. concerned it will be more Obama administration than Biden. less radical and willing to make lives better
Yes the Cass Review and other scientific reports are always depressing when they don't reflect our biases back to us. Weird.
From what I’ve read on it by actual experts that report is garbage. Weak evidence mustered to a previously determined conclusion. It will be tossed into the rubbish like all such pseudoscience
Dr Cass is a former President of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (2012-2015), and finished term as Chair of Brit Academy of Childhood Disability (2017-2020). 1/3
Retired from clinical practice but remains hon. Consultant Paediatrician at Evelina London Childn’s Hosp, Guy’s & St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust, where she was also previously Director of Education and Workforce. 2/3
If you'd like to tell me about yr experts or engage in argument I'd like to hear it. But it's obviously less taxing to just continue with yr own presumptions + attack anyone who dares 2 question. Has it occurred to U that GOP right on this 1 issue + grabbing moderate conservative vote thru it? 3/3
So your entire argument is she has some qualifications? As though that settles it? As though those who have shot her down don’t have as many or more qualifications?
and apparently Cass is unbiased as well or something? or she supports your preference lol which means she is right?
bruh you could have just posted her linkedin
You like to label people instead of thinking about whether or not what they're saying is true. [Insert lazy contemptuous internet term of abuse here.]
They are going to govern exactly like all center left parties do, and like they promised: persecute all trans people and migrants and do literally nothing to help poor people.
This is crazy, I thought Kier Starmer's EDL-lite Labour were going to win. Why am I just learning about this centre left majority party?
What’s funny is that Krugman wrote something for the guardian that was pretty much “I don’t thing he’ll change anything” only a couple of weeks ago
I disagree with Krugman on quite a bit, but he's got the Very Serious People's* number: (**looks towards Starmer, Reeves, Scholz, Macron etc for no reason*)
come on now, he just said "let's hope" I mean we can all hope that Starmer doesn't turn out to be exactly who he's been since 5 minutes after winning the leadership, right 😅
He'll totally turn left now, that's what I was told
Maybe a left-wing party will govern unapologetically for once.
I hope by left wing you don’t mean Corbyn left wing.
Oh god no. Starmer is far too centrist for my taste but I’m not insane.
They aren’t left wing. They’re centrist libs. With so many seats a lot of them will be traditional Tory seats and the labour members in them will be scared of their own shadows for the next election. Starmer wants an excuse to sit on his hands and do as little as possible.
Which would be a disastrous choice, making it all the more inevitable. Better to just write off some of those seats as an aberration and actually get some shit done.
Even Centrist is being generous, centre-right, pro-Brexit, anti-Trans, pro-Austerity etc etc not a good night for people with progressive politics.
And of course the purge. He purged all the leftists he could on the thinnest of grounds.
Didn't even mention the fact he supported Israel's right to deprive food and water to people in Gaza - a literal war crime.
They’ve promised to double down on austerity, fuck over immigrants, and persecute trans people. How is that any kind of left?
Labour isn’t centre-left, they’re centre-right
Fewer choke points than the US but a much shittier economy, sadly.
Personally I feel like history has shown us that when a left-wing party moves to the right to get votes, they just govern from the right.
You mark. You rube. You naïf.
I’m going to guess they’re not going to govern like the dominant party they now are but it’s nice to own this.