Antimoon 🏳️‍⚧️θΔ

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Antimoon 🏳️‍⚧️θΔ


Anarchist, Pagan, Musician, Husky Therian, Infosec Fuckup, She/Her, It/Its, BPD, Autistic, Poly, Demi, Ace, 31
Probably burning through a lot of the goodwill I had from people who followed me for sex jokes and movie title puns, but shit's fucked and I no longer care about "building an approachable brand"
I find the cyclical discourse that seems to revolve around the idea "White trans women, as a cohort, are uniquely racist." to be fascinating. I don't think that assertion holds any water of course, but it loops around so regularly, and serves to drive minority communities apart so effectively.
Starcraft 2 will never be as good as Brood War, because with the quality of life improvements it made, it took away the mechanical skill that Brood War requires. This trend towards reduced mechanical skill indexing has happened in many competitive games, and esports suffer as a result
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
Darkest timeline Wil Wheaton
The face and guyliner of an emo bassist no longer allowed at warped tour
"Wet, with flavor" should be a tagline for LaCroix
My day will now be spent figuring out all of the things I could describe as “wet with flavor”
My biggest red flag: I think the scouse accent is kinda hot
I find it both funny and frustrating that I seem to have a knack for learning things in a very particular and obtuse way that becomes my preference, forever locking me into inefficiency since I find change difficult. For instance, my vintage music production gear, or the fact that I code in Vim.
Very cool that seemingly nowhere will hire me for tech roles that I'm qualified for, to the point where I even considered going back to a foodservice gig, only to realize that I wouldn't even be able to make rent if I went back to that. This sucks, man.
Genuine question, are there any furry-owned businesses that furries employ other furries? I feel like as a community, as globally big as this one, this should and can be a thing.
Yorkshire Pudding (derogatory)
If Cupcake and Honeybuns are both sarcastic petnames then is it like a sliding scale like where do rockbuns fit or welshcakes
I've made a spreadsheet with a comprehensive ranking of all the monster flavors in my collection, complete with tasting notes. I'm down to the last few cans and man I just DO NOT want to drink Ultra Violet. Gotta take one for the team I guess 😮‍💨
Lots of lib folks seem like they're always aching to remind trans folks (and presumably other marginalized people, but I can't speak to those experiences) that we're tolerated just so long as we don't step out of line or make anything inconvenient. I feel like this impulse leads to a lot of things:
You know, I think we need a hard-leftist piece of media where corporations send people to their needless deaths over a land dispute. To drive the point home, you could have the people on both sides be functionally the same as one another, yet locked in endless struggle. Pic unrelated.
I take back every criticism I've ever had about NPC conversations in stealth games
Incredible stuff.
If I did coke, would that make me a drug-sniffing dog?
The word "Gaslighting" is not a synonym of the word "Lying". "Gaslighting" is an interpersonal abuse technique used to force a victim to only trust and rely upon their abuser to determine what is *reality* and to force the victim to distrust their own physical senses and memories.
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
If Trump gets assassinated, do you think Vance will give him a hillbilly eulogy?
Pre-op this, Post-op that. Buddy, have you even seen the posts on here lately? Clearly the op is ongoing.
cw: vore Why bother being indirect? Didn't you want to know what happened? #furryart #vore
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my kingdom for a crumb of motivation to work on music
One of my favorite things about skunks is that the scientific name for them is Mephitis mephitis mephitis, meaning “stinky stinky stinky”
Maybe I'm just jaded from having been on the internet for far too long, but I think it's really kind of dumb how beef on here gets blown out of proportion so easily. Like yeah, people do dumb things and get dunked on, deservedly or not, but it's hard to overstate how inconsequential this stuff is
Once again had salmon with a beurre monté for breakfast. Not a lot of things for me to look forward to these days, but at least I've got that.
I need to remember is that These Days (past 15 years) people aren't comfortable being radicals anymore because they have too much of their self esteem wrapped up in their online identity branding. Things are more hostile than ever and it is easier to regress into the gratification of computer dings.
if a transfem dog girl has money saved up for bottom surgery, would that technically be cookie dough?
lets be real, home music studios are just gooncaves for the Ear