Gary in PR

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Gary in PR

I think I heard the same about July polls in matchups of Hillary/ Trump, Dukakis/ Geo HW Bush and not sure on the 3rd - maybe Bush/ Gore
It appears to all the world that it was pretty minor. Now add to the fact that they're hiding all the medical reports. My conclusion has to be that either it's even MORE minor than it looks, or the physical check reveals something unrelated that they really don't want out there.
This has got to be satire. Even the orange dipshit is not this bad.
The polls are all full of shit. But I'll still smile and think, 'well maybe not all of them" when I see one that I like. 😁
Head of the Secret Service Kimberly Cheatle stated that the reason that agents were not deployed to the roof that Crooks used as his sniper's post, was that it "has a sloped roof” ...“And so, you know, there’s a safety factor" She needs to come up with a better excuse.
Or Mitt, or Boner, or Paul Ryan, or Dick Cheney, or Dan Quayle, or .....
Trump was pro- Iraq War also. He told Howard Stern just that in an interview. (as was EVERY Republican)
Reposted byAvatar Gary in PR
This image the RNC just showed in a video purporting to be from J.D. Vance's military service is a $33 stock photo
Nobody had a clue that JB was somewhat "compromised" and it is SOP for both parties that barring anything unusual you just go with your incumbent. No one's fault really. Well, maybe the admin for keeping him well scripted.
Just the opposite. A flat tax encourages wealth hoarding, a progressive tax discourages it. We have very smart mathematicians. Show them the IRS income data. Have them write a formula for a curve that will yield enough revenue to fund everything and a little debt paydown. No brackets, just a curve.
and I'll add, it doesn't really matter how quick you move or whether you shuffle. Even if you can't hear as well or speak as loud. You have staff up the wazoo to help out. What matters is judgement and even more important - motive, morals, policy & intent.
This is all so true. It's people like Adam Schiff who, in calling for Biden to step aside, really piss me off. Are these legislators really listening to ALL of their constituents? Or does this have everything to do with donors holding back funding for legislative campaigns? It's the money...
Gee... ya think Musk is maybe expecting a good return on his $45M per month??
Trump is a special case too bc he's so corrupt, he just crimes & crimes. He knows the justice sys. is slow, lumbering - it can't keep up. He's the Gish-gallop of crime-ing. Just flood the zone and tie it up in court as long as possible. (especially when your rubes are paying the legal bills)
Yes. Then Trump can install his "Acting VP", Someone too distasteful to put on the ballot... say, Stephen Miller. (don't laugh)
Hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to get the interview !
Well if he's into running with the victim complex - Trump is his man !
Got me wondering which came first - the tattoo or the child.
Yup. That's the only silver lining - the ads will write themselves. I think there's a decent possibility that massive egos could crash into each other too. I could see Trump resenting the shit out of him, Does anyone know if Ohio makes him resign his senate seat to run?
He says he knows Trump well. The man is supremely delusional. And I quote - Friedman adds that he personally is “kind of optimistic about where this will take us — both [Trump] personally and as a country, that it’ll maybe bring us back to a place of greater civility within our discourse.”
Hmmm. Lemme see...what would a greedy, lying, shitweasel think. Yeah. Not that tough of a skill.
I don't know of it's a gift or a curse that I can, at will, think like a Republican would. 😜
Dr Ruth and Richard Simmons both died this week. She had a lifelong career as a sex guru and died at 96 years of age. He had a lifelong career as a fitness and exercise guru and died at 76 years of age. I can't help but think there's some lesson about longevity in there somewhere.
Another political whore who will sell her soul for a future chance at anything. The small amount of respect she garnered during the primary, when she was the only one to call out Trump, (much too late in the process) is now totally gone.
I'm sure the SS explanation will be that the area was secure after the gunman was downed but that can't be normal protocol. They couldn't be sure there wasn't a 2nd gunman (behind the grassy knoll?). He should've been totally "encased" by agents all the way to the vehicle. Yeah. Fishy.
I'm guessing that they'll just ignore it in favor of "he donated to a Liberal cause". Probably even claim that the GOP registration was either a red herring or done so he could vote against Trump in the primary. Cuz, you know, that's the way they roll.
I answered how I decide - (I can't say how others might decide)
I base it on JB's track record, the fact that his 1st 2 yrs (B4 MAGA took the house) FAR exceeded my leftist expectations and the fact that the decision is his alone and he has decided he's in. Bitching about it now just feeds the opposition. ...and this