Gardener Friend

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Gardener Friend

Hey I’m here I grew those peppers and garlic heads
Last week I met a random guy who was working at a space I coordinate stuff for. He’s a musician, getting up there in years, and from what I could tell money is kinda tight for him. I checked if the NY state unclaimed funds website, and he had some money to claim.
Dang, one of the first things I read about when I started my capstone research on street trees was DC’s success with starting a municipal nursery
Hi, I may be able to assist, so I just emailed you
I didn’t really get the logic of how this helps him with a meaningful number of swayable voters. What’s the link between “Hmm, he almost got shot” and “I should vote for him.”
There's a classic Mel Brooks line, "Tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you fall in an open sewer and die." And it's a very funny observation but I think it's also the entire premise of American conservatism
Some people are like "he looked so powerful pumping his fist!" and like if that's the kind of dumb shit you vote on you were already voting for trump
Sure, but at the time she was completely unknown, in a room with ~25 socialists. I don’t hate her or think she’s evil or anything, I just think her ability/willingness to build power for socialism is restricted to a very specific role and generally pretty limited
I know a bunch of people who worked on that original campaign and worked for her office after, and all I’ll say is that most of those people want nothing to do with electoral politics anymore lol
During her first campaign (so early 2018), she did a Q&A at a branch meeting before we voted on endorsing her. I asked her point blank: do you support BDS? She did the whole long-winded thing about it being an important issue, etc. etc. (i.e., no). I’ve been skeptical of her since then.
Did any of your children recently return to your village newly married to a spouse who works as a merchant and speaks a different, but mutually intelligible dialect of your language?
Update: They were aware of it, but they felt there wasn’t really anything they could do, which I think is fair because…come on
Wow she looks cool and friendly as hell, awesome
Well fair enough lol. Now I’m also curious if it ever came up among the show’s staff, so I just texted a friend who worked there for a while to ask. I’ll update here when he gets back to me
I assume you didn’t ask this follow up, but I’m really curious, so just in case you did: given his running joke where bears were the number one threat to America on the Threatdown, did this guy think Colbert was sincerely warning America about bears on a nightly basis for roughly two straight years?
O wow I misread that lol well I’d still love to know how this made it in
Torah Drafting Chair: Ok, next item: Hmm…execute women who grab their husband’s dick during a fight. What? Who added this? Committee Member: Uhh…based on what happened in town Monday, I’d guess Levi? Levi [leaned back with legs spread and an ice pack on his balls]: HEY ANYONE COULD’VE ADDED THAT
Relax dude, you replied to something I saw so I scrolled your feed for a minute. Even granting your Islamophobic premise, given that Hamas has killed 0 people in the US, I don’t see that as a concern. W/e I’ve given up on liberals giving the slightest fuck about Palestinians so don’t worry about it
Are you willing to say that to the face of a Palestinian whose family was obliterated by weapons the Administration provided to Israel?
I’m also Jewish and voted early for Bowman, and AIPAC (and frankly almost the entirety of institutional Judaism) invited this by aggressively and unconditionally supporting a state that not only claims to represent the Jewish people, but also denounces anti-Zionist Jews as fake Jews or worse
Combination of the country’s economic structure and peak prevalence of lead in the environment/houses/pipes during Gen X’s formative years (1975-1990)
I was mainly thinking of hell homer and hermit thrush, but I think there were a couple more I’m blanking on
Are you sure it was teens and not a weird Twitter guy who got popular as an ironic creep in 2011, only to be exposed as a genuine creep in 2013, never to be heard from again?
I was at the US Open last year when activists glued themselves to their seats, forcing play to stop. Some of my friends were initially annoyed, but I basically said “I get it, but this is important, a lot of people have already died and many more will die” and they basically said “ugh yeah alright”
I know this may just perversely please you as a Boston fan, but I probably said “ugh” at least 30 times during the second half alone
I know it’s obvious, but if you’re into history, Rome is staggering. For non- Europe, my wife and I did Japan last year, which was really great.
Good call, but we also have three seasonal staffers, I’ll give them raises first
My boss left yesterday for the rest of the week to get married without telling me (I’m our department’s only full-time employee left other than him lol)
I wonder how Iowa will handle auto insurers leaving the state in five years