Gardener Friend

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Gardener Friend

Hey I’m here I grew those peppers and garlic heads
(NYT opinion page circa 2.46 billion years ago) Yes, We're Going Through A Historically-Unprecedented Atmospheric Oxidation Event — But It Strains Credulity To Claim It's Due To Unregulated Porphyrin-Based Photosynthesis By Cyanobacteria
I didn’t even catch this. The author of the piece complains about outside agitators and gives an example of a protest where he was an outside agitator.
To be fair, you've got to admire the intellectual honesty of: 1. I attended a protest at Cal Berkeley; 2. (no outside agitators); and 3. I actually did not go to Cal Berkeley.
Fundraising for the chestnut project my dad had heart failure this month and it just set EVERYTHING back & at the same time, we didn't get a grant we needed. Please help it all helps me keep the project going
Suspicious: I spent six hours sitting on a campus bench and not one student would agree to help me manufacture consent.
you can’t help but look at this group and think: those are allies in fighting antisemitism
JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background
I was about to joke that I was inventing Market Maoism and then I remembered that someone very much already did that
from ending COVID aid to throwing billions at cops to folding on trans rights to crushing opposition to ethnic cleansing in Palestine the past four years have pretty clearly telegraphed what propositions are nonnegotiable and which populations are disposable for US liberalism
Am I nuts or is the synonym tool in office programs significantly worse than it used to be? At this point it seems like every time I try using it, it gives me a word’s synonyms for alternate meanings, rather than the one I need (typically the most common usage) I assume it’s somehow related to AI
“The Palestinian civil defence on Sunday said it has found hundreds of bodies of Palestinians buried in mass graves by Israeli forces in the courtyard of Nasser hospital in Khan Younis, in the southern Gaza Strip.”
Hundreds of bodies unearthed in Khan Younis hospital mass Rescuers retrieve over 200 bodies, including those of children, elderly women and young men
I think it’s part of the project to destroy the concept of a collective public interest (i.e., society lol)
Most recent GOP policy shifts are distinctly Trumpian (anti-trade, Russia, Saudis, anti-mail-in voting). Anti-vax thing is weirder. Expediting vax approval is probably the best thing Trump did. Curious why MAGA turned to covid denial instead of embracing vaccines, crediting Trump for them.
Obviously the most important thing is that support for Israel might be weakening, but come the fuck on man. Pelosi was telling protestors to go back to China two months ago, Ritchie Torres thinks he’s more Jewish than me, and Bowman might lose his primary in a couple weeks.
what if *this* is what 'degrowth' could mean
Modelled costs for a German household in the 'old' and 'new' energy worlds show large savings potential. The key is to use energy more intelligently, with smart control of the heat pump and EV, combined with dynamic electricity tariffs. Article & study in German:
Energiekostenvergleich : So gelingt die private Energiewende mit E-Auto und Wä Lohnt der Umstieg von fossiler Gasheizung und Verbrennerautos für das Portemonnaie? Eine Studie des DIW vergleicht zwei identische Eigenheime: alte Technik gegen neue Welt.
I don’t understand how anyone can continue to treat Israel with the slightest bit of credulity knowing that they claimed an article reporting on their decades-long program of nonconsensual organ harvesting was an antisemitic lie, then later admitted it was true, but not that bad.
There are no words for the news coming out of Palestine today, there are no more words for this evil being enacted on my siblings
I also think people making that argument realize they’re asking people to accept genocide is an inevitable fact. As a young-ish person, I just refuse to concede that. I can’t spend the next 60 years living in a world that bleak.
I don’t think people realize how arguing what’s happening now is the “best case” people can expect in our system just sounds like a call to burn the whole damn thing to the ground.
globally speaking, the vibes are off (chart by Ashley Wu for Washington Post.)
blockchain companies have exactly two types of post
Rocky Statue (on Halloween 2023 via @6abc), by A. Thomas Schomberg, 1980, 📸 by @KrockPhoto
“Early” should mean “more Earl-ish.” We don’t have enough verbal means of communicating similitude to Earls
To be extremely clear, I think it’s bullshit 99 times out of 100, when someone argues for the absolute necessity of lesser-evilism in voting. Having said that, the Republican nominee for governor in North Carolina, man, idk, I think you might obligated on that one
Eventually in the future, innocence or guilt before the law will be determined by whether google’s autocomplete goes blank after you’ve typed in the person’s name and started typing in words relevant to their crime.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Biden ran on the degree to which Trump’s embrace of white supremacists after Unite the Right “shocks the conscience.” His words, from his ad. Can’t really run on that again if you’re turning a blind eye to a racialized full-scale military assault carried out with American white phosphorus
Anyone know if that one person is still shitting their personal variant of COVID across Ohio?
Arrestation d'un Criminou
There’s a ton of stuff now that doesn’t work well, but I can at least understand why (usually a short-term profit motive). One thing I cannot understand at all is why the NYT site automatically opens the next day’s crossword any time past 8 pm. Why does it do that? Who decided it should do that??
[opens up the morning paper] ah, i see the gyre has widened