
I believe them that they will do this almost immediately upon taking office again. I have lots of questions about what we do on Left(s) about this. Who is working on this now? [I'm sure some groups must be]
Full quote from ex-ICE director Tom Homan: "Trump comes back in January... I will run the biggest deportation force this country has ever seen. They ain’t seen shit yet. Wait until 2025.” Tonight in Florida Trump pledged to bring Homan back. Homan, BTW, is a listed Project 2025 contributor.
Sorry I haven’t been on here much but yes for sure there are a few immigrant justice groups (including DWN) thinking through scenario plans and building with groups in states where anti immigrant leg is moving. Gonna write some on this for inquest, will share when it’s ready!
I work for an immigrant rights org and we’re organizing regional scenario planning sessions pre-election in California with the goal of reconvening after the election once we know what we’re looking at. My understanding is there’s a national scenario planning discussion happening as well.
thank you for your response and for this work.
Thank you, this is the only reply I see answering the question.
Yeah, it'd be nice if we weren't all wrapped up in arguing over whether the old guy is TOO old.
Considering Biden's border policy of continuing everything Trump was doing, probably nothing.
I'm thinking here of left orgs not this administration.
Really? I must have missed Biden's open-air kennels filled with starving children.
Make the Road and Al Otro Lado have been heroes on this, but they can’t do it on their own.
The left: plenty. Democrats: not. A. Single. Solitary. Fucking. Thing.
I believe there are blue state attorneys general making advance preparations for court challenges. The effort is not well publicized, because they don’t want to tip their hand, but I’m sure deportation challenges are on the list.
Local community organizing should happen too. Dutch resistance style. Where will our undocumented neighbors go for safety?
Why doesn’t it bother them that it will cripple cities and tank the economy?
It’s truly that simple. Racism is self destructive, and illogical, and powerful.
they'll just replace immigrants with slave labor, as is the proud tradition of prison labor. being slavery
How? Where are they gonna get the strong bodies?
for more technical labor, there's already a solution for that too. threaten their green cards, like silicon valley companies do. lose your job? get deported. and say if you, I don't know, decide that being in the country illegally is a felony now? the machine can easily be set to do all of this
Healthcare workers? Hospitality workers? Public transportation workers? Retail workers? Transportation workers? Longshoremen? Automakers?How do you enslave 350 million people?
besides they're not against white people doing labor, and doing it in really shitty jobs in shitty conditions. it's the appearance of separation with a politically inert underclass that's the functional goal, and they're most of the way there.
they don't have to enslave everyone, that's not their goal. they're death cult white supremacists (literally). they just have to take all the racist systems we already have and kick them into overdrive. all these plans began with powell and thurmond/dent, if not even earlier
simple, you kidnap people into the prison industrial system for crimes that never happened, like louisiana already does. there's about 48 million black americans, and the amount of undocumented workers has ranged from 12m to 8m in the past several years
these things don't need to be immediate, and they don't need to happen before trump has a coronary. it's just a series of steps into hell. even if they don't win now, they'll just set up to win in 2, 4, etc years, because there is no opposite force on the tug of war.
sure, but they're patient. as I said before, these plans aren't suddenly new, they're several decades old. like the patriot act, none of these things arrived fully formed from the head of zeus. they pull the nation rightward when they can, as much as they can, like tug of war