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Artist + Writer + Cancer host + Cat lady + Chef Emeritus “talks too much in class and won’t ask for help”

Profile: a blonde fat femme in a red dress with red lipstick and Buddy Holly glasses

Banner: it’s a beautiful day to yell at god
Having metastatic breast cancer and taking care of myself are two full time jobs. As a retired chef I cook the most sumptuous meals for myself. Frankly, I deserve it, for my remaining time I’m feeding myself so well y’all would be green with envy, if you only knew.
Violet Affleck: "To confront the Long COVID crisis I demand mask availability, air filtration and far-UVC light in government facilities, including jails and detention centers and mask mandates in county medical facilities. And most importantly, the county must oppose mask bans for any reason." 🔥🔥🔥
Violet Affleck made a public comment opposing the proposed mask ban in #LosAngeles! 🔥 #LA
Mushroom, ricotta, garlic scape tart. Super flavorful, serve with a nice tomato salad or what ever green salad you like.
It’s kind of unfair how pretty she is.
Everyone has been asking me for this: How to Market Your Book On Social Media, Jessica edition: *Post about your book 20 times in one day and not again for like 2 weeks. *Become known as "yeah, I think I follow her?" *Post half nonsense shitposts, half total bummers *Gay! Frequently!
Two Democratic U.S. senators announced Tuesday that they are seeking a criminal investigation of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas over gifts of travel, a loan for a recreational vehicle and other benefits he received from wealthy benefactors.
Democratic lawmakers seek criminal investigation of Justice Sens. Sheldon Whitehouse and Ron Wyden want a special counsel to investigate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas for possible tax and ethics violations.
Time for an economics lesson.
Italian food can fix anything. Forget a hair tie? Wrap a noodle around it. Scrape a knee? Slap some eggplant over it.
For profit prisons are civil rights violations en-masse. It's conservative politics gone completely full circle corruption. Prison Corporations given profit motive for more "crime", conservatives make sure the prisons are full.
I’m sorry my eyes are old but did you just say “youth prisons” like for children?
July 2020: to preempt a campaign to close the final 5 state youth prisons, the IL gov's office announced a 4-year plan for transformation, intended to close (or IDOC transfer) at least the 3 largest. July 2024: None are closed. Issued a press release about hiring for a new, 6th youth prison.
“Child marriage can be seen as a workaround for child rape,” ‘I was handed to a complete stranger’: the survivors fighting to end child marriage in 37 US states — and the people who want to keep it legal - The Guardian
When my maintenance meds and palliative meds start doing a samba I want to peel my skin off and squeeze the juice from my bones.
Wanna bet all these local news outlets that are advocating for Biden to step down are owned by hard righters? Why call for a guy who had a bad night but not the convicted felon? The adjudicated rapist? The tax cheat?
Boy howdy! This right here👇
I sometimes see people discuss the American left as being intrinsically self-sabotaging, and it feels like any discussion that doesn't factor in the extent to which the mainstream reflexively shuts out and frequently actively crushes leftist activism is wilfully naive.
Perhaps I’m naive to the “jump off the building” suicidal ideation but wouldn’t bungee jumping be a good practice run? You’ll know for sure if that’s what’s up or if you need further assistance say from a medical professional that can let you know your brain is lying to you.
There was lead in EVERY tampon they tested. There was less lead in organic tampons, but those had higher concentrations of arsenic. Also fun: It's 2024. This is the first ever study testing metals in tampons. Great. 🙃 Study:
This is the first time they wrote it down in book form for people to keep and refer back to. This time four years ago they didn’t even have a plan, now they have a text book. Remember, if you don’t write it down you’re just screwing around.
I don't get it when people point out that Project 2025 is "nothing new." Yes, obviously, right-wingers have been fanatics for decades. They were blowing up abortion clinics and shooting doctors when I was a kid. But, as you may have noticed, their political vision has kind of been coming together.
If you steal $1000, you can be sent to prison. When health insurance companies steal $50,000,000,000, they get tax breaks, subsidies and government contracts, while the people they steal from die or go into debt. But keep blaming immigrants and poor people for rising crime.
tofu lost his arms in the snuggle wars
The first one.
If I write the word “close,” which do you hear in your mind: close or close?
if a girl from the south says both of these things about you—probably best to be on the lookout for like, locust swarms or something idk
bless his heart; i'll pray for him