Alex Prichard

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Alex Prichard

Professor of International Political
Theory, University of Exeter. ISRF Fellow, 2023-2024. Hopeful Liverpool fan. UCU commons. Author of Anarchism. A Very Short Introduction (new ed) and other bits on anarchy.
Banner: Hope Cove
I just got promoted to Professor! Professor of International Political Theory!!! *pinches self* Yup, I’m awake Considering my starting point, this is nuts. And without the timely intervention of four people (1998-), to whom I will be eternally grateful, this would have been impossible. x 🥳😅🖖🏻🙏🏻 ♥️
Thanks to everyone for your ‘likes’!! 🧐
Reposted byAvatar Alex Prichard
This is a really good time if you're not already connected to local groups and organizations organizing around particular issues to find ones in your communities that could use your talents and skills.
That’s right: it’s not the answer, but the violence hasn’t gone away, and disavowing it is pointless. I don’t agree that everything’s been tried, but I do accept that the options usually promoted by would be reformers lack imagination and ambition.
Arguably, it hasn’t changed as much as one might have liked either, but the general principle is that you need mass mobilisation. There is no alternative, but it doesn’t have to be some revolutionary confrontation. It can and should happen everywhere, all the time, in homes, workplaces, schools…
Nothing’s impossible if enough people act to secure the change. The question the anarchist asks is whether electoral means are necessary or sufficient? Their answer is no, and you don’t have to be a historian of the civil rights movement or the civil war to agree.
These structural features aren’t accidents and people have the ability to challenge them. It takes collective action, and that seems harder to galvanise on the American left than the right, ironically.
What an ignorant twit. You get the government you deserve, America. Sort your shit out
This attempt to present an anarchist legal theory is unsuccessful. It does present a legal theory, and there is some discussion of anarchism, but the latter is poor and largely unconnected to the former. The history of anarchist legal thought is overlooked, and new anarchic legal theory undeveloped.
The Anarchist before the The Anarchist before the Law
I hope the best team wins. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇪🇸
Reposted byAvatar Alex Prichard
Reposted byAvatar Alex Prichard
Anarchists know that a long period of education must precede any great fundamental change in society, hence they do not believe in vote begging, nor political campaigns, but rather in the development of self-thinking individuals. -- Lucy Parsons #anarchism #quote #bot
Reposted byAvatar Alex Prichard
Avatar could you please unmoderate this skeet. Russia has been declared a *terrorist state* it is being investigated for genocide and regularly advocates for its fascistic intent in Ukraine!
This looks good! 'Stupid International Relations', Van Milders, 2024
OK. 1) the US constitution already picks winners and losers, routinely. 2) only active social movements can galvanise the constituency needed to activate the sorts of changes advocated here. 3) 1+2 = libs need 'zombie marxism, mindless horizontalism, therapy-speak self-care'. Slurs wont help.
Chilean constitutional reform failed, just like the Icelandic effort in 2010-13, becase the terms of the debate, and the constitutonal changes required, did not have the majority needed to pass. Also, the rules for change militated against radicalism. There is no top-down solution to these problems.
The right has been galvanising congregations, packing school boards, hounding out liberal academics, etc, for years. The left tried to fight back, on the streets, but too many people left them to fight alone. We are here because no one backed the lad who punched Richard Spencer in the face in 2017.
And don'tget me started on climate change. The demands have been made and answers offered for decades. Friends and comrades have seen people die at the hands of cops and others while protesting. Its too late for PR. We've breached 1.5 degrees already.
Reposted byAvatar Alex Prichard
Published today, my paper with "What is the role of universities at a time of climate and ecological crisis?" In it we discuss student debt & finance (including fossil fuel funding) student protest, academic freedom (& responsibility), consensus & risk.
What is the role of universities at a time of climate and ecological crisis? Geo: Geography and Environment is an open access environmental geography journal publishing original articles in geography, sustainability & environmental science.
Just been in the pub with an old anarchist mate who has ‘a soft spot for Starmer’ because of his pro bono support for Dave and Helen during the McLibel trial. He’s not a fan of him of Corbyn now, but worth sharing this to remind people anyway. Starmer was a good ‘un, supporting anarchists like this
Keir Starmer the Barrister Gives Free Assistance to McLibel Defendants (1997) Leader of the Labour Party Sir Keir Starmer may now be vying for the office of Prime Minister, but before entering politics he had a long and distinguished c...
Will reply properly tomorrow. Didn’t mean for this to be antagonistic! But I hope you can’t guess my reply. I’d prefer not to be too predictable… also, just finished a book on this topic, so will need to distil
Ambitious by liberal US standards, but not by any other measure. What about capitalism? The problem is not liberal democracy or constitution, per se, but the underlying structural problems they cement in. Structural poverty/violence can’t be fixed with PR and a larger SC. R&R more ambition please.
Some fault liberals & leftists for lacking a vision of the future ambitious enough to meet the challenges of our time. This piece provides such a vision, one linked to the proud American tradition of Reconstruction & clear-eyed about what's required. Read it.
An American The revolution will take place within the modes and orders of American law even as it distorts and transforms that law.
😂 Nah, that sounds about right! Teenage giggles.
How old were they? I’m assuming mine are still a bit too young at 9 and 11..?
I never miss an opportunity to re-watch The Day Today. Genius