Crank Turner

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Crank Turner

Rider of bikes, hater of cars, supporter of arming the left. Liberation for all. This is my place to be unhinged for my mental health, don't ruin it for me.
Ed Flynn calling for "free Palestine" graffiti to be charged as a hate crime is such a pathetically evil stance to take. May he be hit and killed by one of the car drivers he's so desperate to not inconvenience.
Swear to god if you make me support Kamala Harris I will step in front of a fuckin bus.
Y'know what, fuckit, let her run again. I don't even fucking care. This is a stronger, clearer statement than the one offered by the actual fucking candidate and sitting president.
I honestly don't know how I get through the rest of the day. It all feels so pointless. Can we just kill these fuckers now? Are we allowed to do that at this point, finally?
If I see another "ok but disasters happen under the current regulatory structure so clearly the structure causes those disasters and they'll stop once the regulation is repealed, I am very smart" take I swear to every god I will kill so many people to prove that laws against murder cause murder.
It's been nice living in a civilization while it lasted. Get ready for 0 workplace safety standards, massive outbreaks of foodborne illness, the rollback of consumer protections, and elimination of all environmental protections. I don't think people understand how fully fucked we are.
By the way, if you'd like a fun new sticker design to use, I offer you this one, free of charge.
If you're putting "I parked in a bike lane" stickers on cars, put it on the license plate. Make them get a ticket. You're already technically committing a crime, go big or go home. Do that for the tinted license plate covers too. Make them buy a new one. Hit them in their wallets.
If you're putting "I parked in a bike lane" stickers on cars, put it on the license plate. Make them get a ticket. You're already technically committing a crime, go big or go home. Do that for the tinted license plate covers too. Make them buy a new one. Hit them in their wallets.
Another cyclist dead in my city and there are dozens of comments on each article saying something to the effect of "good, they deserved it". I am no longer joking, it is time to start shooting drivers. Level the playing field, my friends. Be as much of a threat to them as they are to us.
God I wish his airbags had failed and we didn't have collapsible steering columns or crumple space.
I am once again insisting that shooting a driver who menaces a cyclist is legitimate self-defense. There is a contingent of drivers who want us dead and there is no way for us to distinguish, and no meaningful distinction in the result, between malicious and negligent impacts.
Love being right *and* wrong in the same breath. They moved the goalposts not from "this isn't peaceful enough" to "peaceful isn't enough". Fuckit, break out the rifles.
I'll never advocate for a right to "peaceful" protest. It's protest, period. They'll always move the goalposts. Nothing you ever do will ever be good or acceptable enough. Free yourself from the constraints of "peaceful" rhetoric. State violence against protest is horrific, full stop.
Really feels like Ireland has been waiting forever for someone else to step up so they can say "and my axe". Tiocfaidh lá an Phalaistín! Saoirse Don Phalaistín!
Imagine being a regulatory agency that is both so fully captured and asleep at the wheel that you let this humiliatingly poorly designed and built monstrosity ship to consumers.
Holy shit. This thing is built like an R/C car. No, really.
Reminder: there are more of us than there are of them. They're cracking down so hard because they need to break resistance before it gets too big to contain. Do not stop. Swarm them. Overwhelm them. Crush them under our defiant hordes. They will break before we do.
I appreciate the invocation of "[t]he law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal their bread." in the question "[i]s it applied to me as well?"
Providence Mayor Smiley takes questions on unhoused encampment evictions "There will be individuals, it's usually single-digits, who will find a better solution," said the Mayor about those being evicted. "Many will not."
Providence Mayor Smiley takes questions on unhoused encampment "There will be individuals, it's usually single-digits, who will find a better solution," said the Mayor about those being evicted. "Many will not."
One of my favorite things in life is having someone with a twitter full of "trust the experts!" statements say to me, an expert, "well, that's debatable" about an objectively factual thing I said. Like, as true as saying "injecting a gallon of sulfuric acid into your veins will kill you."
They don't care how absurd it is, they don't expect it to fool anyone. This is a flex. They know they can come out and say this insane shit and the media will nod along with vacant stares and they won't lose a single person's support. The folks at home don't give a fuck.
NYPD dep. commish says he “found a book on terrorism” at Columbia. From the Oxford UP website, the book answers the questions, “What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it?” This is how you seed a genocide-justifying moral panic.
Reposted byAvatar Crank Turner
I checked the weather forecast, and it said that it’s perfect weather for the City of Boston to issue an apology to Emerson students who were attacked by BPD officers.
I hope Eric Adams falls through an open manhole and gets slowly eaten alive by a sewer gator.
The only good cop is an ex-cop, and I'm getting more and more picky about which types of exits from the profession are acceptable. There's not a cop alive who deserves to keep breathing.
Hey creative people (who aren't gonna see this because I have no following) can someone make a t-shirt design with a picture of one of the cop snipers and the caption "it's not a sniper; it's a sparkling long range cop"
There's no such thing as peaceful protest. There will never be a form of protest that the ruling class will not, in some way, spin as dangerous to some hypothetical prospective person in far flung crisis. All protest, regardless of form, is violent according to the media and state.
Reposted byAvatar Crank Turner
Yes, please realize that this IS policing in the U.S. This isn't "bad apples" or "a glitch." Cops ARE VIOLENCE WORKERS. This is what they are. If you're finally convinced, don't just passively allow 50 to 60% of your municipal budgets to be allocated yearly to violence workers.
Reposted byAvatar Crank Turner
Medic reminder. Don't use milk or LAW for pepper spray exposure. Flush with a large volume of water. Milk contains bacteria and is a great way to introduce an eye infection. LAW turns into an abrasive crust. Also, having a bright white face makes people easily identifiable.
Nobody was born with perfect knowledge of our unjust systems. You had to learn, either through experience or someone teaching you. Attacking people for coming to the same realization as you did but "too late" is elitist bullshit and if you do it I hate you.
Sorry but a core organizing principle for inviting new people into movements is to meet them where they are, not make fun of them for suddenly realizing the world is unjust.