Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst

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Ilyse Morgenstein Fuerst

tired professor, podcaster, parent. enthusiastic killjoy. decent friend. drama & drag & bad movie fan. she/her.

(specifics @
We need the higher ed media to better describe what's at stake here. These are not "reforms," they're an authoritarian takeover. They're not "bold" or "sweeping," they're undemocratic and fascist. These aren't normal policy recommendations, they're a dismantling of higher education!
How Project 2025 could radically reshape higher The sweeping conservative blueprint for a second Trump administration would dismantle the Education Department, privatize student loans and end all ongoing Title IX investigations. Critics say it’s a ...
if you’re shocked by project 2025, Mazel tov You’ve been benefiting from religious illiteracy a thing some of us* have been arguing is a deep privilege for white mostly Xtian folks for some time now read up, pay attention: white Xtian nationalism is and has always been the threat of our time
we all understand that it's not if but when a cop kills a student protester, right?
What. The. Fuck.
hey religion nerds please check out and sign if you -are against genocide -are against definitions of antisemitism that are inherently antisemitic -think our guild orgs should be the leading voices when we have crucial expertise to correct public discourse
Scholars of Religion Against Genocide and the Weaponization of We, scholars and educators of Religion, Religious Studies, and adjacent fields, write to express our support and solidarity with students, faculty, and staff peacefully protesting the Israeli governme...
Oh my God it’s some sort of Indoctrination Machine
real over The Discourse™️ insisting the history doesn’t matter since we need solutions now careful histories do not *fix* our current contexts they help us cultivate facts, empathy, and a sense that we, too, can shape our futures — that these are not predestined outcomes thx, an historian
I am thrilled to share that the incredible has written an extraordinary guest post over at Life is a Sacred Text on the claim we hear sometimes about Jews being Indigenous. It’s one of the most thoughtful things I’ve read in a while—and so worth your time.
"Are Jews Indigenous?" A Quechua Jew Weighs Guest Post from Daniel Delgado
if you’re not with students, bye
Spent the day writing about the overlap between local cops and white supremacists who together tried to crush civil rights activism in 1960s Mississippi, and then I came on social media to enjoy all the progress we’ve made since then
At every single protest I’ve been to, the police have, without exception, lined up with the neo-Nazis at their backs, and only advanced on the protestors.
some of our colleagues are out getting arrested to protect free speech and their students & some of them are unwilling to mention a single current event in a classroom be the colleague I want
this is a trash statement
NEWS The White House has issued a statement on the situation at Columbia University:
showing up with many matzah balls to our family-centered, antizionist Seder tomorrow the freedom of some cannot rely on the unfreedom of others dayenu
kicked off my three week unit on reproductive healthcare and religion with a BANGER this week
Same, sister.
I am so goddamn exhausted with living through history.
It would be so easy for universities not to be fascist shitbags but here we are, they keep making that choice
maybe the organization responsible for pedo rings & the baby trade & native residential schools should watch its mouth on “human dignity”
The Vatican has released a new document on human dignity in which it says surrogacy, gender theory and abortion are among the "grave threats" to the human condition.
The Vatican says surrogacy and gender theory are 'grave threats' to human A document called
totality = the birds did stop singing and the mosquitos did come out and people did set off fireworks bc if the sun is gonna get a shadow on it, surely we also need to explode stuff
Me watching the news: the carceral state is a disgusting blight on human kind Me watching Face/Off: I Want To Go To Magnet Prison
teaching kids two truths and a lie is a+ comedy
I will never remember if “pitted” means “we took those pits out” or “look out! pits!”
1,800 cops charged with child sexual abuse in the last two decades, targeting mainly teen girls they encountered as a part of their work, according to the Washington Post. The Post leads with the story of a teen girl assaulted by a cop who was processing her rape kit from a different assault.
do people outside of the NY metro order coffee light and sweet? asking for a deeply important group chat