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Apologist for the power of the pun, teacher & father of 2 & still learning from my wife. Posts r my own and don’t represent my employer
Baby Lemonade (Barrett) 4:10 In the sad town cold iron hands clap the party of clowns outside rain falls in gray far away please, please, Baby Lemonade
Reskeet with a B&W picture of you.
Gorgeous couple - befuddled and/or overwhelmed with meaning. Here is your date present from me.
Despite the speel about being billionaire proof the BlueSky butterfly is the perfect shape to superimpose an X on it.
Today I was emailed invited to join BlueSky after patiently waiting so much that I asked randoms on Twitter to give me a code 6 months ago - one did and I’ve since handed out 7 Twitter codes to other randoms who asked. With service like this the BlueSkys the limit for these guys.
Our first Christmas in 20 years without a Xmas tree. We’re trying to sell our house and the tree would have been way too much. Add to that a 10 month old kitten who would have quickly reduced it to an Exmas tree. So necessity and all that …I fashioned this.
Xmas throws it in sharp relief.
I’ve met Frank Iero from My Chemical Romance. I stood in a queue outside a tattoo parlour in Melbourne for 5 hours so he could sign my then 15 yr old daughter’s converse she’d painted an MCR album cover on.
And for those indoor cats who prefer the insular, eccentric English approach to love- Syd Barrett’s Jugband Blues
Alack, alack, is it not like that I, So early waking, what with loathsome smells, And shrieks like mandrakes' torn out of the earth That living mortals, hearing them, run mad —
In the ancient Mediterranean world- especially in Greece, large penises were considered a sign of a corrupt character, so small penises were noble. This is what you see on all the Ancient Greek & Roman male statues- Michelangelo continued the trope - see his David.
Sexually Suggestive
Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
The great actor Vanessa Redgrave playing your doppelgänger before you were born and she’s not done yet.
Detectives were euphemistically called ‘dicks’ in the USA- not sure if that still happens. Hence Dick Tracey detective comics. Hawaii 50 had 5 detectives -So 5 dicks on call - but mum may have to be a crime scene to accept delivery.
femme fatale eviscerates sad sack after horn driven fracas escalates
I think my cat ate Santa. I’ll guess we’ll find out relatively soon. The Claus may be out!
I agree with everything you wrote X 69.
Best Scott since Bon - well he did front AC/DC at my Year 10 school concert in 1976
Your floating space chick and it’s parallels with this Pre-Raphaelite masterpiece inspired my reworking of Hamlet’s mother Queen Gertrude describing and lamenting Ophelia’s final end.
I read the news today, oh boy About a lucky man who made the grade And though the news was rather sad Well, I just had to laugh I saw the photograph
It can be a shattering experience but even so things become clearer eventually?
As close as I get to a digi adventure these days.
Together they represent the antithesis of each other. Yet they are strongly and irrevocably tied together — both physically and metaphysically. I haven’t been tied together in either way for far too long. I’m at the end of my rope🙄
If I was born to play anyone it was these guys. I think I’ve been typecast. TB or not TB.
It really is a poison. I’m 5’ 11 and 3 years ago I weighed 108kg. I stopped eating extra sugar- soft drinks, lollies, chocolate etc. Since then I’ve lost over 30 kg. I did nothing else to lose weight.
I like it here - the fun facts are actually fun. Here’s a slightly less elevated one. In 1990 Mick Mars made his way to a party at my place. I used to work in the Melbourne music industry - so he was with some old connections. Mick saw my Maton acoustic, played it and immediately offered me $4000.
Forget the Dervishes, a Fez has a magic that transcends even the Sufis. Alistair Crowley and George Gurdjieff both tapped into that spiritual power but took all the credit. Pffff- men! Women can own a fez too.
If date night fails there is always Knight date. Lesson 1: hassle your vassal