
What kind of a society do you want to live in? We do not have any moral high ground if we BECOME the enemy.
Please watch this Aamer Rahman bit, and really try to understand why you’re wrong:
Aamer Rahman: Is it really ok to punch nazis?
At no point was I talking about punching nazis, until 1 person moved the goal post to that as some kind of purity test. They were happy to answer for me so I would “fail” for anyone unwilling to read all the context. Unless they’ve deleted them, there’s a firehose stream of malignant posts from them
This conversation started because of news that the DA is refusing to charge a guy who admitted to assaulting protesters. It was mentioned that the state deliberately letting their supporters assault people is a fascist tactic, and you got mad at me for hoping On faces extralegal consequences.
"youth involved in street violence should face extralegal execution" is an extraordinary position to take and an even more extraordinary position to think of as pro-Palestinian
what point do you think you're making here, exactly
Those are extra legal measures being taken against Palestinians by the IDF, unless you think tying an injured person to a vehicle is legal.
Did I leave it ambiguous when I wrote about tying wounded Palestinians to military vehicles as to whether I thought that was bad? I have to wonder if there is a context in which you think that even possibly might be good. Bad, obviously.
i found it very ambiguous considering you posted it in response to a post heavily implying extralegal violence is bad, with an "ahem" which usually denotes throat clearing disagreement
therefore it seems wise to clarify on whether you are one of the folk who say, "they do it, therefore we should be allowed to commit the same evils"
Perhaps you are someone who excuses crimes by saying "others do worse" but you do not need to project. Others of us just think doing bad things is bad, actually. Especially when the army is western, supposedly following laws, and is financed, armed and diplomatically defended by our governments.
but vigilante "neutralization" against the asshole kid in LA, you like that idea or no?
Punching Nazis I agree with, killing random kids no. In general, people who hurt people can get punched out and all's fair, but armed forces/cops brutalizing impoverished/defenseless people is bad. Would have thought that is kind of a moral consensus, really. Shame if it needs to be spelled out.
neither of us are psychic, why should anyone make assumptions about the particular views of a stranger?
You asked an odd question, because if one was to think that tying a Palestinian kid to a vehicle was "good" would require a transactional morality that is hard to understand, let alone agree with. In what world is that acceptable?
it sure seems like you're fine with extralegal violent vengeance some of the time
Punching Nazis such as Richard Spencer is not problematic at all. Very obviously distinct from armed forces brutalizing unarmed youth. Why, are you a volunteer Nazi Safety coordinator?
Aamer Rahman: Is it really ok to punch nazis?
This discussion is not about Richard Spencer, who by the way was not "neutralized" by punching him in the face, satisfying as that was. It is about Edan On and it is about similarly situated Palestinians who also do not deserve extralegal execution. Try to keep up.
The first post I can see: Jace, does not mention Edan. Second, UCLA: where the Zionists who are attacked the Palestinian supporters camp were aligned with neonazis who shouted "We are here to finish what Hitler started" and the Zionists had nothing to say.
maybe you should try reading the thread
Hopefully some good vigilante neutralizes On then.
to be fair there's a break in the thread due to nuclear block. but if i could pick it up by context, then it is not impossible to pick up by context, simply by reading what is after the block
I mean these are the tweets guy is responding to directly, he's just an idiot