
ok so that's going to happen after the RNC now
Breaking News: Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Donald Trump’s criminal sentencing to weigh whether the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
i assume the ruling will be something like "lol no" so why not just go straight to that. why pretend there might be a there there
am i wrong, is there a chance they will approve this
The evidence rule is a big stick, so it's probably worth actually briefing seriously
No chance, but it has to be reviewed. Cross all I's, dot all T's.
Is it plausible he can appeal on these grounds up to SCOTUS and have SCOTUS drag their heels on this for months, like with the immunity case itself? I dunno, I'm not a lawyer, it's just hard not to assume the worst at this point
he can habeus petition from jail, basically. for normal people that almost never works and when it does work take several years. for trump? idk, a month?
Woulda been better if he was in jail for the RNC, but it’s not a huge deal.