
not proof positive but seems relevant
The NYT Parkinson's "scoop" is even worse than it seems from the headline, bc buried in paragraph 11 the reporters *know* Dr. Connard met with someone other than Biden, and on March 28, 2024 the President's Public Schedule shows Biden was in NYC the whole day
It also seems relevant to look into whether or not Biden was at the White House for some or all (or none) of those visits.
Like, it would be a very easy thing to check and go pretty far towards either showing this was something or nothing.
well, that’s what the post I quoted does: Biden was not there for at least one of the visits
Right - but I mean, the nation's Paper of Record could have done that work.
Dates are here if someone wants to take a crack at the rest of them fwiw.
You're being way too kind. They're assholes, not idiots. They knew about the Parkinson's legislation that the article doesn't mention, and if a bunch of internet smartasses wondered about Biden's travel then surely the experienced professionals at the NYT thought to ask. They surely did know.
Yeah, seems like "he was visiting the white house medical unit" is just unverified bullshit, at least. And it doesn't make sense since a consult could be done remotely unless he was personally examining the President.
Ok, it looks like there was exactly 1 visit with the White House physician (in January) and it was before the letter saying they'd ruled put Parkinson's for his stiffened gait, so I'm going to say this is nothingburger and this slant is immediately discrediting.
This law was signed last week: Seems like meeting with a Parkinson's researcher before signing a Parkinson's bill would be a good call