Aunt Ted

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Aunt Ted

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Omaha Street Medics
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
White people make for the most obnoxious activists, I am sorry but goddamn
North Omaha Station is set to continue burning subbituminous coal until 2026- past the lifespan of the plant. The good news is that we have public power here, and we can push back. We can ensure its replacement is sustainable and doesn't poison our air and water.
Burning coal is the most dirty, polluting, and inefficient way to get electricity. As early as 1306, Edward I banned Londoners from burning it, due to its noxious smog. So which countries are phasing it out the fastest now? Greece and the UK lead the way! Source:
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
THE sentence of the day: A Macronist incumbent in the Marseille region came in 3rd in her seat. She just dropped out to support the left. She said, about why she's maneuvering to block the far-right: "Defeats happen, but you can never recover from dishonor."
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
throughout the Trump immunity decision, the Court champions the idea of an unfettered, uninhibited President. the darkest part of the opinion isn’t that it paves the way for an authoritarian leader, it’s that it yearns for one
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
I have two things to say about CPR. Actually 3. 1. Learn CPR. If you can't take a formal class for time/money reasons, go watch shit online. 2. You won't harm someone by performing CPR if they need CPR. You cannot make someone more dead. 3. Most CPR fails. Do it anyway.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
The demise of Chevron is being widely interpreted as an expansion of judicial power. It is that, but it also and more profoundly an expansion of power of moneyed interests.
The Money What the fall of Chevron deference means for state capacity
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Presume nothing about the American voter. The only thing we can say with certainty is that everyone who responds in earnest to those weird AI posts on facebook votes in every election. The American voter is weeping real tears over a picture of meat Jesus embracing a three-armed veteran
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Sorry for commenting “nightmare blunt rotation” on your Facebook photo album from your baby shower
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Okay so to be clear we are destroying power grids, the livelihoods of actual humans beings, and communication/research infrastructure for the sake of an algorithm that converts stolen data into unreliable stolen data and consistently loses millions of dollars. Just to be clear
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Chevron matters more, but Grants Pass gets me emotionally. It is so specifically cruel that I have a hard time sitting with it.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.
First decision is Grants Pass. Gorsuch has the 6-3 opinion finding that the Eighth Amendment does not bar "generally applicable" laws banning public camping. Sotomayor writes the dissent.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
After Gorsuch read extensively from his opinion, Sotomayor is reading from her dissent. "Sleep is a biological necessity," she begins, "not a crime."
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
FACT CHECK Trump: “Biden is a very bad Palestinian.” TRUE: Biden is far too alive to be a Palestinian.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
What pervert decided to hold a general election presidential debate in June?
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
If you care about the way AI is steamrolling environmental concerns you might be interested in this (free, online) conference happening in July—program just posted, and link to register:
Rethinking the Inevitability of
I always think I'm an abolitionist until it comes time to hold Uvalde police accountable
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Is praying for death the new quiet quitting?
just got a push notification with the headline “Is ‘tradwife’ the new ‘girlboss?’” and I am ready for death to take me
Reminder to leave out bowls of water for wildlife on hot days, please
She's right about everything else, but gun people won't take this seriously because they're pedantic dorks who won't be able to get past the erroneous M16 reference
Sotomayor, in dissent, joined by the other two liberals: "This is not a hard case."
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
kill the cop in your head by imagining a tiny amount of fentanyl
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
CALIFORNIA FARMWORKERS: It's already starting to get hot. The UFW reminds you that you have the right to shade, fresh water, paid breaks and more. Please take care of yourselves and let us know if there are any violations of your rights. Call 559-674-4525
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
This is what jury nullification is for
CCNY student encampment anti-genocide protesters arrested on the same night as their comrades at Columbia received significantly more serious felony charges that carry max sentences of up to SEVEN years vs. max 90 days facing Columbia students.
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
Noem to panicked political advisors: I just read this book called "Lean In" and we are going to be fine
Reposted byAvatar Aunt Ted
i’m going to fuck your dad and give him a child he actually loves