
The NYT Parkinson's "scoop" is even worse than it seems from the headline, bc buried in paragraph 11 the reporters *know* Dr. Connard met with someone other than Biden, and on March 28, 2024 the President's Public Schedule shows Biden was in NYC the whole day
Breaking News: A Parkinson’s expert visited the White House eight times in eight months from last summer through this spring, according to official visitor logs. The administration has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease.
Parkinson’s Expert Visited the White House Eight Times in Eight The White House has said that President Biden has no signs of the disease and that there has been no reason to update the most recent testing, conducted in February.
The visitor logs have a public platform (except for Trump's, because he nuked them), and the president's schedule is public For example, during Dr. Cannard's Nov. 17, 2023 WH visit, Biden started the day in SFo and in the evening flew to Philadelphia
Visitor Logs | The White The White House will post visitor log records on this page pursuant to President Biden’s voluntary disclosure policy. Visitor log disclosures will occur on a monthly basis. Read more about visitor log...
During Dr. Cannard's July 28, 2023 WH visit, Biden's schedule shows he received the daily briefing at 9:00, then spoke to the press, then immediately when to Joint Base Andrews and flew to Brunswick, Maine, held some events, then flew to Delaware
Roll Call - Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Freeport, Maine - July 28, Full transcript of Joe Biden: Remarks: Joe Biden Addresses a Fundraising Event in Freeport, Maine - July 28, 2023
Added to that, Biden signed the Parkinson's bill just last week. Is no one there following stuff like that? My husband has Parkinson's. This bill is a good thing. The NYT should be ashamed.
So he was either seeing a patient who was not Joe Biden, or he was there to lend subject matter expertise to the formation of a policy proposal (which might have gone into recent legislation on the subject). I see no evidence here that Dr. Connard saw the President at all for any reason.
I don't think we have any reason to infer Dr. Connard had anything to do with HR2365, which is kind of nothingburger legislation, but that's neither here nor there
(Not that it matters but absent further reporting I'm agnostic on proposition that Dr. Cannard had anything to do with HR2365, a breezy four-page bill that directs the HHS secretary to carry out an "assessment" and establishes an "advisory council")
It says right in the text that 7 out of 8 meetings were w/a Walter Reed liaison, so it was likely policy/protocol discussions abt veterans w/Parkinson’s. Randos just said “it must’ve been new bill” when they saw headline bc it’s last “Parkinson’s” thing they can think of.
Either way, inferring that Biden has Parkinson's, which is what NYT does with its headline and photo, is plain and simple ratfucking.
Yep. They are relying on the fact that most ppl have no idea how many staffers work at WH, how many different things they do, etc. They open space for inference in the headline deliberately, then close it in text which is behind a paywall.
Is the implication here that someone with Parkinson's would be unfit for office? Because...yikes.
personally, I think they're trying to justify this as news by insinuating the WH has been dishonest about how decrepit Joe Biden's health condition is, but the facts reported in the story add up to nothing so it's just a wildly misleading headline intended to reinforce their Biden=decrepit narrative
Apparently there are cognitive effects of Parkinson's, which is why they're pushing this story, but there's no reason to think Biden has Parkinson's. Also, I don't know if the cognitive symptoms show up unaccompanied by the incredibly distinctive, easy to spot physical symptoms.
after watching michael j. fox go through it you'd think that people would have a better idea of what it is, and yet
Parkinson’s has been a favorite “disease speculation” of the right wing for a while. In 2016 they said it about Hillary. More recently about Nancy Pelosi. I don’t know why in particular.
they do know better, which is why they shouldn't be considered a "paper of record"
NYT writer salivating: Megan Nasworthy? More like Megan NEWSworthy!
Avatar now joined by @DNC and has been working tirelessly to get Donald Rapist Felon Trump elected ever since Rupert Murdock bought it and turned it into another one of his rags. Huh? Murdoch didn’t buy the times? You mean they became a useless rag all by themselves? Oh
Hey folks, here's the tell. Sunday Fox News reports James Comer will investigate the WH physician for links to the Biden family businesses. Monday, people running around with their hair on fire about Parkinson's, etc. This isn't even clever ratfucking.
if "Dr. Connard is a canard" were fiction is too on the nose / the editor would / et cetera, et cetera
It’s malicious speculation & a shoddily (or just not) reported smear. The Parkinson’s bill is a good thing.
Short of cancellation (done already) any other way to hurt them? Deja vu what they did towards HRC 2016. 😡