Sunshot Champagne

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Sunshot Champagne

aka morgan aka norgbelulah. very excited to be here.
I know there’s so much more to be mad at Joanne about these days, but I’ll still never forgive her for Fred Weasley.
Remember when they said death panels were bad ?
it's important for outlets to explain that when we talk about AI "posing a threat to humanity," we're talking about the rushed implementation of half-cooked automation killing your grandma with an auto-rejection of her medicare claims, not sentient industrialized planet-scouring murderbots (for now)
UnitedHealth uses AI model with 90% error rate to deny care, lawsuit For the largest health insurer in the US, AI's error rate is like a feature, not a bug.
Nonetheless, I am a fan of the political theater of politicians saying "you know what? This corrupt motherfucker took money from people who hate that you have rights, and then he took them away, and the reason we can't do anything about it is those people over there."
I feel like everyone would post better if they remembered that Weird Al Yankovich is here and he’s seeing all your posts and if they’re bad you might make him sad
This is starting to feel a bit "poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine," tbh. There actually was a primary and no one credible stood against the incumbent president.
i don’t know if these people are such infants that they think this would be cool and so would voters, or if they’re so condescending that they think voters are such infants that they think it would be cool
I will never not be mad that centrists INSISTED and WENT TO GREAT LENGTHS to make sure we nominated a candidate who was famously gaffe-prone and then four years later decided that those gaffes were proof positive of sudden cognitive decline
Things I used to tweet when I worked at a library: I wonder if Jude Deveraux (Romance novelist) is related to Blanche Deveraux (fictional sexpot).
I didn’t think my loans would be forgiven at all after trumps first term. I applied right before the deadline for pslf in October 2022 and my loans were forgiven in August 2023. I hadn’t paid a payment since 2020. If trump wins in November he’ll ruin all the progress we’ve made.
Biden, to his credit, made a lot of dysfunctional loan forgiveness programs work. Project 2025 seeks to gut any loan forgiveness programs, or mire them in administrative burdens to the point they don’t work. This would be consistent with the actions of DeVos when Trump was in charge.
There have been no fewer than 200 stories about Biden's age on the front pages of our biggest papers and the Trump Administration didn't give a press briefing for almost a year and deceived them constantly but sure
I do not care what your beef is with the Dems, it’s not bigger than everyone’s problems under the fucking Republicans #politics
I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
LOL at Lestat saying millennials make terrible vampires. I don’t even need context to know he’s right about us.
i'd fuck any cast member of mad men. i'd fuck bert cooper. i'd fuck the fat jaguar guy. i'd fuck peggy's mom.
Lindsay's Nebula doc Yoko and The Beatles is so wonderfully poignant and human, I love it and I'm so glad she's made a cut of it for YouTube so it can reach a wider audience.
Yoko and The The reasons the Beatles broke up are extremely well documented and even at the height of their animosity none of the band ever blamed Yoko Ono for it - so wh...
I am here to once again declare that John Cena should star in an Ernest legacy sequel where he plays Ernest P. Worrell's improbably jacked son (it is never explained in any way why he is jacked)
You had me at “exceedingly dry in-jokes for recherché subcultures”
let’s all go to the movies let’s all go to the movies let’s all go to the movies ‘cuz it’s a thousand fuckin’ degrees
We don’t talk enough about how Michael Corleone was a law-abiding war hero until he was radicalized by police brutality
LRT we are absolutely only polling people who answer their phones. Seems bad.
I've wondered specifically about this automatic-spam-call-blocker aspect of The Polling Issue, and whether we're like, sampling only people who have old or shitty cell phones or something?
I'm a millennial but my phone has a spam blocker that doesn't even show me the calls that would be coming from a pollster. And NYT/Siena is all phone. You'd have a way better chance of reaching me via the Pew method of sending out physical mail asking you to participate online. I get mail!
the conservative theory of law in one headline
So the New York Times wants Trump to win, huh?
The New York Times Crisis of Confidence: badly shaken in the wake of bad editorial decisions, many are calling for the paper to resign.
One year ago today my cat ran away and it was one of the worst weeks of my life. We got him back after 7 long days but the emotional toll was weirdly far-reaching. 2023 was kind of a shit year for me and losing the cat somehow felt like even more of a blow than the death of my grandmother.
This made me laugh (again) 🥬