
Both Rollingstone and Axios now *both* have stories, based on their sources close to Trump, that Trump would likely tap Stephen Miller for Attorney General if reelected
If you want to feel actively unwell, Axios' list of proposed top positions is quite a read. But tldr: Attorney General: Stephen Miller, or maybe Mike Davis VP: unclear, but maybe JD Vance, or Kari Lake Steve Bannon: maybe Chief of Staff Kash Patel: maybe CIA or APNSA
Exclusive: Trump's loyalty-first Cabinet could include Stephen Miller, J.D Vance and Steve Trump would turn to loyalists who share his zeal to punish critics, purge non-believers, and take controversial legal and military action.
Also SecState: Ric Grenell, or even Kushner DOD: Maybe John Ratcliffe
Anyway, for folks who don't really know those people, first of all, congrats on missing them the first time round, but elevating this particular selection of fascist goblins to those positions would make the *baseline* in Term2 orders of magnitude worse than the worse impulses of their first term
My God, Jared Kushner is far and away the best person on that list
I could have a separate hyperventilation episode over every name on that list good god
The strongest theme here appears to be outright corruption
Each has a totalizing view of power, and a complete disregard for the idea of constitutional government
I would take a bunch of principals who redirected every dollar their department ever spent into their own pockets 10 days out of 10 in preference to any of these
if you could bribe these folks to look the other way that would be the best case scenario they're true believers, which is a thousand times worse
And/or civilization. These people are basically Orcs.
Brings us back to how Jared is the best name on this list is Kushner because I don’t think he is ideologically driven towards autocracy, he’s just trying to get the Saudis to save him from bad investments
Before I read the Axios and Rolling Stone pieces, I’m going to read the Alexandra Petri satire on it in WaPo, just to insulate my brain a *tiny* bit against the horror.
EPIC Corruption and Recreational cruelty
Seriously. “The cruelty is the point” was a common refrain in that era and rings very seriously true
My nearest metropolis is New York. We’ve seen his blatant corruption quite closely since the 80s
When you start getting nostalgic over Rex freaking Tillerson, you are clearly in The Bad Place.
That's the thing, Rex Tillerson even was like these people are too evil for me and he was rex Tillerson!
that is one of the most brutally damning sentences I've ever read
If that happens his hedgefund is going to get so many investors
Remember Jimmy Carter’s peanut farm? Pepperidge Farm remembers…
Dimon is listed as a possible Treasury Secretary. Mnuchin was definitely competent and not that different from what you’d have expected out of Treasury under a Romney admin, he would likely be similar. Besides that the entire list is terrifying.
Not clear to me why Dimon would be interested in the job tbh
Under a non-Trump presidency, I could see Dimon being interested as some combination of public service and high-visibility prestige. But given the shitcan literally every Trump appointee eventually drops themself and their reputation into, I can't see any competent person accept and appointment.
I could imagine *someone* wanting to, but Dimon? No. He'd find it beneath him under any admin, I think.
Unless the position is God Himself there's no way Dimon swears the oath and takes a GS rank.
I could see him taking some prestige position like ambassador to Italy (he's talked about wanting to retire there), but I agree he has no interest in any public service job and sees it as beneath him. On the other hand, he feels that way about most private sector Jobs as well.
You get your name on the money.
He prefers to get all the money on his name
Didn't Mnuchin pretty much get all the money too with Liberty Strategic Capital after he left the cabinet?
This is the weirdest election cycle of my life. Both parties are putting out the worst candidate they can find and they don’t seem to have any backups
if you think joe biden is the worst candidate the democrats could find you know absolutely nothing about politics
It’s called hyperbole. I’m sure they might be able to find a worse candidate than a racist dementia patient who could drop dead any minute but they didn’t and aren’t trying. Either way fuck off
They're the exact same candidates as last time except one of them tried to overthrow democracy and is promising to appoint lunatics and crooks, what are you on about?
Also they both have backups-in-the-waiting. For the Rs, it's DeSantis, and for Ds it's Harris.
I’m talking about the racist liar who specifically said he would sell out to corporate interests and did, the one who bragged about sending plenty of people to jail for the same shit he was protecting his son from and the dude currently supporting a genocide. Clear enough?
Except none of those things are true, which raises the question as to the level of good faith you're operating under.
So there’s no video of him saying he’s going to sell out to the credit card industry? He wasn’t the architect of the 3 strike rule while paying for rehab to keep his son out of jail? He isn’t currently supporting Israel’s genocide of Palestinians? C’mon. Lie to yourself, not to me
A bland soulless sociopath is better than no sociopath at all!
I’d like to know where he plans to appoint Enrique Tarrio. His admin won’t be complete w/o legitimizing a violent paramilitary group answerable only to him that receives pardons every six months or so
Sounds insane to think the president might have judges or legislators executed and pardon those responsible but so would Jan 6 if you described it in December 2015.
Secret Service. Not the part of the Secret Service that protects him - he wants professionals for that - just the part that does Other Secret Stuff.
Welp, America lived fast, died young. #rockstar
Trump's administration will be magnitudes worse if elected. Recall that he thought that the White House was staffed in 2016. He won't make that mistake a second time. Loyalty will be his objective. There will be no "adults in the room." The Justice branch will not guard.
I didn’t sleep until Bannon & Flynn were out of the White House. It’d be a harsh 4 years. (Betting Flynn pops up somewhere although he’s apparently pulling in dough on his grift tours.)
I still remember when you did Forensics on the first set of leaked documents from the DNC in 2016 showing it was Russians that edited them & I kind of miss 2016 and how naive I was then about how bad things would get
These people attempting to do their jobs and honor their oaths to the constitution would make for the worst administration ever, and they have no intention of honoring their oaths to the constitution.