
so true. i get the feeling that for all the times’ evident animus toward biden or reluctance to treat the election as a historic threat to democracy, it still deep down knows its audience basically votes dem. in that sense calling on trump to withdraw is superfluous? weird but hard to explain otw.
Trump is a convicted felon who stole classified documents and tried to do a coup and the NYT never called on him to drop out. Ridiculous
I think also they understand that if they call for Biden to step aside, there will be fevered discussions about Biden stepping aside, and if they call for Trump to step aside, everyone will say "lol good luck with that" and Trump will tweet "failing NYT" and everyone will immediately move on
when Tom Friedman says "my friend Joe should step down" he means "my actual friend Joe who I think might listen to me" nobody thinks this about Trump
on that, funny how friedman presents himself as an objective reporter and yet, hey, my friend is potus. speaking truth to power 🤣
Trump has never had a friend in his entire life
Courageously speaking truth to only those who will listen.
So fucking what. These calculations are nonsensical given the stakes. Calling for Biden to step aside and not forcefully doing the same for Trump shows that those calculations of how they look are more important to them the actual issue.