
the most frustrating aspect of this campaign to me is that it has stripped me down to bare pragmatism "does this give us a better chance to beat Trump" is the only thing that is important to me anymore the danger is so overwhelming that nothing else matters and I hate it
There are a lot of reasons to hate the NYT but right now my top one is that they’ve convinced me to defend Joe Biden and that really sucks
I really cannot overstate how much it would be fucking amazeballs for the US to be fighting about positive visions for the future and on policy, and how much it fucking sucks that this year is our third cycle in a row where instead we're running a national referendum titled "sooooooo fascism?"
I am not confident that a strategy of, "win every election forever" is a sustainable one with respect to defeating fascism
We need to put them upside down in the trashcan where they belong and stop giving them opportunities to only win once
If only we once had the foresight to put it in writing somewhere that traitors can't run for office Ah well
Damn, somebody should probably have thought to put a few Justices on the Court who can read
Getting pretty hard these days to hide my contempt for them daring to call some of these decisions "jurisprudence"
"the prohibition in the 14th removing the ability of traitors to hold office is old, arcane and unclear" "The 14th amendment clearly grants personhood to a zygote, as the founders intended"
Justice THRASYMACHUS delivered the opinion of the Court. Justice is nothing but the advantage of the stronger...
The thing that interests me about Thrasymachus is Does he mean that in an "and that's good" way, or an "and that's bad" way? I kind of read it as the latter, and therefore saw him as like, the world's first recorded critical theorist 😅
Probably should've checked on that during the confirmation hearings "Mr Roberts, can you read aloud the entire text of the 14th amendment, just for no reason"
Well, if we Bin Ladin them, which they have ruled the president has the right to do, and replace them with better judges, which again they said the president can legally do, might solve the problem