
Can anyone tell me how I would feel about news from France if I understood the news from France which I never do bc context is always insufficient.
What news from France?
A good follow for this this past week was
Le Pen's party (RN) got 143 seats. While a record, that's far (very far) from the 289 they hoped for to govern. How?! Hundreds of Left & Macronist candidates dropped out to help each other block the RN. And millions of voters then voted strategically to get that job done.
The right wing / facist party has been growing in popularity for years, but they were not able to win. It’s good. However, no party won a clear majority, so there will still be a struggle for the leftists to get anything done.
This is mostly a good thing but also not the best thing, but it is a relief considering how much traction the right had gotten. The fact that it went this way is a relief bc Macron was basically calling everyone’s bluff when he called the election. However, the right wing still has 138 seats.
Good news: fascists are pathetically whining about getting third place rather than the expected sweeping victory 👍 Bad news: still third place 👎