Queen Gwenevere

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Queen Gwenevere


Gwenevere Singley, artist, illustrator, and general art wrangler

Portfolio: https://www.gwensingley.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/QueenGwenevere
Weird Projects: https://www.queengwenevere.com/
Freelance inquiries: [email protected]
And part of why it worked is because the actor is a super fan! So he totally GETS the character!
I did not think they’d ever get the live adaptation to work given how cartoony the source material is, but somehow they did and it’s kind of amazing
When I was posting, I would usually post a teaser panel with links (My whole webcomic is currently on hiatus and down until I can overhaul it, but when I have it back up I might experiment with posting a mix of teasers and the occasional full page, maybe.)
Squirrels mostly! There were a lot of small ones that look like they aren’t quite full grown yet, and one that was an unusual black-brown mix. And a fair number of dogs, of course. Including a bunch frolicking at the dog beach (I want to frolic in the water too!)
Hey folks. We are three days from launching The Unfamiliars. Please please please sign up here and share the link. I apologize in advance for being That Guy, but I’ve got…well, everything, riding on this one. www.backerkit.com/call_to_acti...
Get Ready for The Unfamiliarswww.backerkit.com From Ethan Kocak - Get Ready for The Unfamiliars
The new pin campaign is live! Come get yerself some dragons! kickstarter.com/projects/magefront/cosmic-dragons
I’ve always found it amusing that the Morte D’Arthur was basically fantasy football: the author was a big fan of jousting, so when he was stuck in imprisonment for a while with no jousting, he entertained himself by writing a whole tome of imaginary jousts between fantasy jousting stars
KEEPING TIME is back with the start of Chapter 2!! 💖 It's a perfect time to start reading if you haven't checked out this gay bummer of a slow burn romance yet. 🎸 keepingtimecomic.com
KEEPING TIME is a webcomic about two guys who, years after an unspeakable tragedy, reunite, start a band, and, against everyone's better judgement, fall in love. Told in two timelines that alternate between past and present, it's only gonna get gayer from here!! 🎸 keepingtimecomic.com #WebcomicDay
Nix of Nothing Volume 1 by @mleelunsford.bsky.social is over 50% funded on Kickstarter! Get your own print or ebook copy of the action-packed journey of a cursed demi-god, or check out the webcomic here : www.kickstarter.com/projects/hiv... www.nixofnothing.com
Ooh I might have to investigate this, even if I, too, regret it
I NEVER HEARD OF THIS EITHER and this sounds totally like my kind of thing! I loved Fantastic Planet!
And bonus ladybug! 🐞 Can’t go wrong with a big colorful book full of ants, ants are always cool!
I’ve been trying to apply this more often, especially when it comes to Online Gossip or foreign politics If I don’t personally know enough about the topic or any of the people involved to make any definite statement, it’s probably better for my mental health to stay the heck out of whatever it is.
But he already HAD that base. So nothing’s really changed. He still has them, they’re still dumb and mad.
Oh dang, rare spicy mustard hoard! Weirdly, I think I didn’t like mustard when I was a little kid, but mom loved it and would hoard jars of Kosciusko whenever she could get her hands on them (variety in local stores was sparse) I think I’m gradually turning into my Mom
Mustard! The spicier kinds, preferably! Usually I can only afford the cheap brands though; out of those, Kosciusko or Guldens Spicy Brown (or sriracha) are all right Someone once took me to a French restaurant that had a mustard flight, it was excellent
Because “0 to 100” is an easy to remember range: it’s what we all learn when we learn to count as kids. (I don’t know anything about “bands”, I only know I can grok the weather report) 30-something (?) to (???) feels kind of random to me (and I can never remember the baseline numbers) (obviously)
ANYWAY I think I am going to stop now, because the last time I got into an online discussion about people’s fuzzy-logic preferences for Fahrenheit vs Celsius it ended with everyone screaming at each other, and this is already getting convoluted 🙃 Everybody likes what they’re used to, howzabout that
I’m in the middle of dumb discourse about Fahrenheit vs Celsius, but I may regret that
That’s why 50 is “mid”! It’s wishy-washy Spring kinda weather! 71 is “gosh it feels like Summer already!” Or California.
71 feels “warm,” that’s not halfway between “freezing to betsy” and “AAARGH” 50 is just… lukewarm-ish. Not exactly warm yet, but not exactly cold, not Winter wear but not Summer wear either. Just kinda mid. And the range below is “kinda cool to cold,” while the range above is “kinda nice to hot”
That explains a lot… I was wondering who was waving money at these losers this time
Okay, which stinkin’ billionaires are paying Mr. Schiff
Those little fluffy nubby wings 💙 They’re trying their best!
Is this Elon “totally going to put a man on Mars any day now, wait and see” Musk? Suuuuuure he’s gonna do what he promises. Suuuuure. Any day now. Wait and see.