Robyn Eckhardt

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Robyn Eckhardt

Food writer, cookbook author, dog mom, cat butler, happy new PNW 🌲 resident after 22 years in Asia and Italy.
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Remember, if the government can obtain a conviction against Bob Menendez for taking bribes and stuffing gold bars into his closet that he was given for working on behalf of a foreign government, there's nothing stopping them from indicting you for the same thing.
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if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
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Had a draft that was stressing me out and today I finally finished it by just sitting down and doing the work. I will learn nothing from this.
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every important person in my life will suffer under a second trump term, it is absolutely fucking insane to me that any self-respecting liberal or leftist would throw in the towel rather than go down swinging
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Reminder for no particular reason that no one knows how this election will turn out, no one can foresee how an event today will impact voters’ choices four months from now, and it is still incumbent on all of us to fight fascism and not acquiesce to doom.
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Another day, another big media framing of literally everything as Good News for Trump
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I think it's perfectly acceptable for some people -- not necessarily politicians, but the rest of us -- to say something like "Trump has encouraged political violence for the better part of a decade and has been promising to do it with the government if he wins. I do not sympathize with him."
The thing about moving back to the USA after 22+ years is something like yesterday happens and you will immediately get a boatload of DMs from folks not in the USA asking ‘So are you still happy with your decision?’ Um, Yes? 🤷‍♀️
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Sticking with only good news today
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What if my orange tabby has ‘666’ on its forehead though.
I just a saw a post in which someone was saying their shelter cat was definitely a Maine Coon because it has an "M" pattern on its forehead. This is a myth! Any tabby can have an M, and there are many Maine Coons that do not have Ms. It's simply not tethered to reality in any way.
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I haven't felt this self-conscious about my stutter since becoming an adult. People are being relentless ableist assholes. Please understand how speech disorders work and realize whatever shit you're thinking about Biden, we can perceive what you are essentially saying about ALL OF US.
Hey wow as someone with a stutter y’all are not kind At all Do you know what happens when you have the kind of stutter where you swap words? Your brain makes an association in a split second and you go “no, not that”, especially when nervous, and it just blorts out of your mouth.
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The local albacore season just started here in Oregon, my latest for Willamette Week
What We’re Cooking This Week: Albacore Poached in Olive
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the stated reason that Biden's weird stumbles and oldness is getting like 90x the attention of Trump's dictatorial plans and extensive legal troubles is that it's about whether Biden can defeat Trump and head off said problems, which is why i described electability as an ouroboros last week
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An interesting question is why journalists don't see Donald Trump's command of the issues as relevant to the question of which candidate's mental acuity should be centered in media coverage of the campaign.
Whatever the verbal flubs, Biden’s command of the issues is sharp here.
Update from Michael
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63% of registered voters oppose Project 2025 when they hear about what policies are actually being proposed
🚨 NEW POLL: Opposition to Project 2025 grows as people learn more about the plan. After reading 19 proposed policies for Project 2025, opposition grows from 49% to 63% (net +14) while support for the plan declines from 31% to 24% (net -7%).
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My new one @Slate: Democrats Sure Aren’t Acting as if Trump Beating Biden Is an Existential Threat to Democracy
I posted an infographic on IG abt Project 2025 y’day and woke up to over 15 DMs from USA voters (liberal I assume, given the tone of my posts) asking ‘Is this for real?’ Gee I wonder if the media is doing us a disservice by not devoting meaningful effort to highlighting Project 2025?
The body of this, ahem, ‘news analysis’ is possibly more insane than the headline. This is the straw, I think.
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At this crucial moment (just like 2016, I might add) the political press failed. Do not reward their failure. Ignore them for your own mental health, if not for any other reason.
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Final thought: STOP LISTENING TO THE POLITICAL PRESS They do not have your best interests at heart, full stop. They want to make money off your fear. They're too ignorant to even have a survival instinct--do they think they won't be targeted in a Trump dictatorship?
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I read the NYT front page so you don't have to.
Did a NYT opinion writer actually say, in listing Kamala Harris’ shortcomings, “There’s a Hillary Clinton vibe to her, and we all know how that turned out.”
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People felt VERY free to tear chunks off Biden because they figured he was cooked. But driving out a president is a big deal, and now they’ve just potentially mortally wounded him while failing
How is anyone still into lawns….
Since moving into our house in a suburban neighborhood in MD 4 yrs ago, we’ve been replacing lawn and a few dead shrubs with mostly native plants. We’ve been adding a small, no-dig garden area each year. It’s good for wildlife and for us. #gardening for wildlife #climate
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How does blowing up a children’s hospital in Ukraine—which isn’t in NATO—protect Russia from NATO? How is killing a bunch of kids who were far from military activity about security, not brutal aggression? Do Putin defenders and apologists who ape the NATO excuse hear themselves?
Russia Destroys Children’s Hospital in Deadly Barrage Across President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia had launched at least 40 missiles at targets across Ukraine, and he condemned the strike on the country’s largest children’s hospital.
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I just got an email from my local greyhound rescue that Caliente, the dog track at Tijuana, is closing. If you're in southern California and thought about a retired racer this might be a great time to reach out to an adoption group. Retired track dogs make awesome pets.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Wondering if any major media outlets will frame T’s ‘I don’t know any Project 2025’ as either a sign of dementia or a flat-out lie. Not holding my breath.