Rachel Handley πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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Rachel Handley πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ


SFF author, poet, academic.
Possible Worlds and Other Stories, 2022.
Bi. Non-Binary. Dublin.
Please picture a group of people just throwing applesauce at my poor laptop.
So many! I think it depends on your interests. Do you and your friend want to see galleries/museums etc? Or other stuff?
I've checked into my hotel, and I'm flying back home to Dublin tomorrow. The actual luxury of staying in a hotel the night before flying can not be understated.
Applesauce is so good, and now I want some too.
A typo. Oh no! Maybe I didn't come through the update experience as well as my laptop did.
My ten year old laptop survived its update. A round of applauce for its triumph, please.
A delightful treat for humans and laptops alike!
I feel like, after all that, my laptop deserves a name.
My ten year old laptop survived its update. A round of applauce for its triumph, please.
Welcome to Stars and Sabers Publishing! We are led by @jendiagammon.bsky.social as Editor-in-Chief and @garethlpowell.bsky.social as Managing Editor. We can't wait to share more with you; our website launches on Friday, as does our cover reveal for our cross-genre anthology. Ad Astra per Fabulas!
The stars are aligning…and the countdown to Friday is on! Be sure to follow all our social links: linktr.ee/starsandsabers
Oh god. Maybe it knows I've been thinking of buying a new one and is rebelling.
My laptop has been announcing that less than a minute remains for its update for a very long time now. Oh no.
Blackwell's is a chain. So, the university never had its own store to begin with. Students mostly use the library. And there are other bookshops around if they need to buy anything.
It's so sad that Blackwell's Liverpool has closed. It's weird to think that Liverpool University no longer has a campus bookshop! I have fond memories of it from my student days and my book launch.
Transferring everything from my macbook to a USB so that I finally have enough memory to update the poor thing (it is about a decade old). Let's all pray for her, please.
I'm going to be so annoyed if this update means I can't play the sims 2 anymore.
The update froze. Uh oh. I'm trying again now. Please don't let this be the death of my laptop!
Cat in a box
Counter programming the timeline by only posting photos of cats sitting in boxes
THEY JUST WANT THEIR ORDER. "Penguins ignore police, return to sushi shop" www.rnz.co.nz/news/nationa...
Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Boookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum.
Every time someone favorites it, I will repost the time I couldn't figure out how to get off the horss
I am going to preserve this for all time though, because if you didn't realize being bad at video games is hilarious, I don't know what to tell you. Nothing has been as amazing as the time I couldn't figure out how to get off the horse.
Anyone who took a twenty minute break from the internet
The majority of people flatly do not understand β€” and would be honestly shocked by! β€” how little money most publicly known writers make
What are you reading this weekend? I'm reading Welcome to the Hyunam-Dong Boookshop by Hwang Bo-Reum. It is perfect. Philosophical, joyful, plenty of chatter about books and bookselling.
I've just slept for 12 hours, and by god, did I need that.
I talked to someone a few weeks ago who insisted that AI was good because it allowed poor, uneducated, and disabled people "to tell their own stories!" And I was just like, they can already do that None of the barriers to inclusion marginalized people face are helped by AI We can already write
It particularly drives me mad when they claim AI allows disabled people into the industry...a large % of the arts industry (like me) ARE disabled, and work as freelance creatives in large part because we aren't accommodated in 'regular' work environments. AI is taking away our only available income.