
Instead, they stealth-edited the title.
Man, if it turns out that the right winger telling NY Times readers that they should follow his example and not vote did in fact vote in the last two elections, the Times should add this to the piece. Better than a retraction, since it illustrates a willful hypocrisy.
A lot of the media bashing is a little overwrought, but something is deeply fucked inside the NYT
I canceled my sub effective July 18th.
I’m genuinely curious to see some examples of overwroughtness.
Thank you for posting this update. Fully support a free press, but this op ed was unnecessary and seems truly wrong to even consider running on July 4th.
I’m sure the NYT OpEd page has had more grotesque fails since it rhapsodized over Hitler, but I can’t think of any off the top of my head.
This way nobody can prove whether this guy's lying for five more months. Problem solved!
Thing is one can go to , and see the story page edits as they roll out by the editors at the NYTime. The site captures those page by page as they are made each time.
Are we sure the editor isn't still in Junior High School? "I'll just change the headline. Nobody will notice."
Meet the opinion maker who wrote that piece, Matthew Walther, interviewed in 2023, who attended the notorious conservative Christian school, Hillsdale College in Michigan, that was so opposed to affirmative action that they went private so they wouldn’t have to comply with the law.
Q&A: Matthew Matthew Walther is the editor of The Lamp, a Catholic literary journal, and a contributor to the New York Times. He was previously a national correspondent for The Week. The following has been edited ...
At this point, Times staff should anonymously leak the names of everyone responsible for the publication of this piece
NYT really going all in on making itself look like a joke today.
Honest question to Mr. Nichols. You have a unique vantage point given your conservative history and refusal to abandon those principles just to maintain the label. In you view, has the NYT taken a turn to the right? Is this perception just a lefty mirage, or do you see an editorial POV shift?
But the lie remains, as evident in the text.
It wasn't just the headline, he lied in the article too. And they didn't even bother to change that. Only with the most slimy mental gyrations could you claim that this meant "I always voted but I'm not planning to next time". What he wrote implies that he put it into practice already.
There is some serious hanky shit going on at the NYTimes.
They tend to edit titles on the app when articles have been up for a few hours, I've noticed.
man where's the Baader Meinhof gang when a newspaper posts garbage when you need it.