
It's been clear for 25 years, but today really underscored that the only consistent principle among the court's conservative judges is the desire for conservative outcomes. Federalism, originalism, textualism -- they're all just a means to an end, readily abandoned when inconvenient.
Key question I would love to have answered by SCOTUS justices: list the cases where you voted for an outcome contrary to your policy preferences. If people were honest, I think it would be illuminating.
At least with Scalia there were a few pretty intense criminal defense rights cases - against pot-sniffing dogs, infrared search of property, child witness, flag-burning. These guys, not so much. Gorsuch might get funky on a few things, but they are his choices.
and to be clear they were very few and he made SUCH A BIG DEAL out of them for his entire term.
It was pretty clear Scalia picked things he didn't really care about to burnish his "balls and strikes" credentials. Probably smoked a little pot in college and thought "I'll show those liberals what's what". Gorsuch has taken Scalia's commitment to making shit up and turned it up to 11.
and some things like say children testifying in abuse cases without being able to be confronted, might be defense-lawyer positive but not liberal. And surprise, about half the decision trumpets textualism rather than the case.
Maryland v. Craig, 497 U.S. 836 (1990)
Exactly this. Scalia was an obvious hypocrite and liar and the "liberal" media gave him a tongue bath every day of his life.
Not just judges. I think conservatism in general is more of an interest group than a genuine political ideology
Political movements are always about interests and power... Ideologies in both sides change depending on voters and donors
idk, the dems have a lot of rich donors but they still try to raise taxes and expand the safety net
Do they? Whens the last time they did something worthwhile like expanding the safety net?
The ACA. Did you already forget?
Democrats also worked with Republicans to neuter the fuck out of the ACA. Also, honorable mention to the current top dude in the party for helping Mitch McConnell extend the Bush tax cuts.
Exactly. Have to go back to the ACA, and even that was half-hearted attempt
A mandate to buy insurance from private carriers wasn't much of a safety net.
They have limited opportunities to do so because there’s another party blocking them, and they’re at a disadvantage in that it’s much easier to block than to legislate.
i honestly believe the same, that's why their arguments are so bad, the rhetoric and facts are not important, what matters is the emotional effect it has on people who already believe sone fucked up things debunking them does not work because they never cared about being right
Yup. Whether it’s getting an abortion, stepping out on your spouse, being treated for a disease with cells from fetal tissue, or having an addiction problem, conservatives in general are very certain, firm, and outspoken of their beliefs until they are subject to them.
walking backwards to an assumed conclusion is really easy when your institution is both all powerful and completely unaccountable.
Once Scalia died, any kind of originalism went. None of them would go as far as him on defense or 4th amendment cases. They use the other concepts in a sprinkling, they'll even make fun of Gorsuch sort of when he's too textualist. When they don't want to argue they keep it short.
Scalia was at least more consistent than the current conservatives, but he also jettisoned his principles when convenient, like in Raich.
What about Heller? "The first 13 words are prefatory, plus 'well-regulated' and 'militia' mean 'wholly unregulated randos'" was...something.
That one is coming back as soon as the Court changes, but it may be a wait. The "well-regulated" thing also gets me. Yes 18th Cent it meant "good working order" OK then - how do you keep a body of men in good working order? Letting them them do whatever they want, the Judge says.
I almost think because he ruled with majority on the one flag-burning case he felt the could do anything on anything else and hold up flag-burning when someone criticized him.
in order to anticipate any Scalia opinion, you simply had to imagine the worst possible outcome of any case before the court and like magic, that was Fat Tony’s opinion. he was a miserable cunt who damaged a nation for generations with the Heller decision alone
They're barely even means, more like the shredded newspaper or tissue you find in the briefcase you picked up from a con man you thought was full of money.
Yep. In the a book about O'Conner and the Gore V Bush decision, "Scalia privately scoffed that it was, ‘as we say in Brooklyn, a piece of shit’).” Then he went around telling everyone to 'get over it' meanwhile he was the guy they always put out front as the True Believer.
Which was Leonard Leo's specific project - no more Souters guided by principles that might lead to decisions contrary to the interests of the conservative power project.
Yep, the entire foundation of the Federalist Society.
Please bear in mind many of these justices are chosen by monied interests whose only interest is protecting embedded prosperity.
It's been clear since SCOTUS inception as an undemocratic body meant to offset the rule of people for the rule of capital. Which is why justices are only added as oligarchs require despite only 9 still representing 13 Appellate Courts.
It's been clear for 25 years, but today really underscored that the only consistent principle among the court's conservative judges is the desire for conservative outcomes. Federalism, originalism, textualism -- they're all just a means to an end, readily abandoned when inconvenient.
Exactly. An ingroup which laws protect but do not bind and an outgroup which laws bind but do not protect.
Remember when they used to screech about “activist judges” who “legislate from the bench”? Good times.
They always tell on themselves. Every. Single. Time.
Every one of their accusations is a confession.
See also: how many cases did the railroads ever lose
Can’t wait for the majority in the Presidential Immunity case: “Of course Trump is immune because we like him, but Biden better watch his ass.”
Biden should assassinate Trump with Seal Team Six then kill the Republican Senators so he can’t get impeached. According to Trump’s attorney, Biden can’t be convicted for any of it.
Kind of interesting subtext is that philosophy here is that the way you get to the outcome is irrelevant, judges are picked to give the judgement donors want, and either properly trained to do so, or defective, the text of the law is essentially a (necessary) impediment to getting things done, etc
Results-based 'jurisprudence'
And lots of money through friends! Don’t forget gifts and lots of MONEY!
So what's the liberal justices' excuse?
It doesn’t matter. Liberal or conservative, all nine justices are immune from any accountability.
Still love the audacity of this footnote from Clarence Thomas's NYSRPA v. Bruen opinion, straight-up admitting that he's fudging the history and doesn't give a sh*t because the whole point is to find a way to his preferred result
The abjectness of Bruen’s fake-historian game is hidden by Clarence Thomas in a footnote: If the history doesn’t support my preferred view I’ll just say it does
USA? Does not look good. Didn't look good for almost 30 years now. Increasingly bad, sadly.