
Here's some feedback on one the last pieces I wrote for the WaPo, in 2022, from the editor who later fired me: "this is not ready for prime time" "familiar and therefore boring and unnecessary" "bottom is hard to follow for any reader who managed to make her way all the way there"
You might think this wretchedly embarrassing piece of writing is from a random family friend who the WaPo gave space to. Nope, it’s Kathleen Parker their long employed columnist! All these fucking assholes just run around in the same social club and defend each other!
That editor is an idiot and I’m glad the piece was published despite them (and that you’re out of there).
Given they still pay Hugh Hewitt... 🤷
He's far from the worst. At least he doesn't pretend to be any other than he is, and is in possession of a non-zero amount of wit. Now, Thiessen . . .
Always a little bit surprised by the reluctance of DC reporters to name and shame bad actors in media leadership. That being said, it’s the reason I cancelled my subscription.
The Post firing you was the reason I dropped my sub. Their actions since have fully justified that decision.
I canceled my subscription to WaPo a couple of years ago. And just canceled my subscription to The Daily Beast today after hearing the new editor was with the NY Post previously.