
I really need someone to tell me we are not absolutely fucked. Because it sure feels like it.
I'm sorry, Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that
I'm confused. But am absolutely certain that the American Experiment has failed.
In *theory*, lower courts can decide some of the shit Trump pulled does not fall within "official acts", but that category has now been narrowed so much that it's a huge bar to clear - and it will take months or years, and any such decision will reach Trump's SC & they'll say "No, that's official."
We lost the Republic today. It will take time for all the trappings to fall away, but they inevitably will.
Well, Biden is still the president. He now has presumptive immunity for just about anything he chooses to do.
We’re not absolutely fucked for all official acts, on some some were just presumptively fucked.
Hope is a discipline. And that feeling of despair? That's what they want you to feel. And succumb to.
We aren't provided you are a white, straight, Republican. Other than that...
Don’t forget male and Christian on that list
Nobody is safe in a fascist nation, not even the fascists. They always realize this when it’s too late for them.
Very, very seriously looking at second citizenships.
My wife qualifies for Italian citizenship, and we're starting that process.
I mean its gonna get ugly but fuck it we ball. No other choice. Their ranks are filled with old and dying and absolute cowards. Cant arrest all of us at once.
Depending on you as an individual, you will be fairly fine. What's important now is work on forming community, learning real life skills, and not attracting unnecessary attention to yourself
Optimistic answer: no, there's still time and ways to fix things. Pessimistic answer: oh, there are so many more ways that they can fuck us.
this is not the pep talk i was hoping for
Fascism is the inevitable result of liberal capitalism. The contradictions of capitalism itself are what keeps leading back to it. Long story short, the US experiment was always going to fail, is failing, has failed. These are its death throes. Now the job is to survive and build something better.
Connect with your people. Protect each other in your community. There is hope, but not in the system that's failed you. Also still vote for Biden I guess. It might buy time.
It's fine, all of those refresh the tree of liberty using 2nd amendment solutions they're always on about are sure to express their outrage over this. Any minute now. Definitely just around the corner. Probably doing it as I'm typing this.
Radley, you’re not absolutely fucked. You can still move to Canada! That is, until Trump gets into a fit of pique and decides to nuke it, since apparently presidents are allowed to do literally anything they want with zero consequences.
It's time for this generation to stand up for America and our freedoms. Americans have fought and died through all of the time America has existed. Thats why it's so important to read and understand history. This is nothing new. Freedom always has a cost against tyranny!
No can do, but if it's any consolation, the fucking will be slow and gradual for most Americans, so they're not likely to notice and complain. Okay, that's not a consolation. We're fucked.
Welcome to life under dictatorship. Be careful what you say online or you might get hit with an 'official act' that no one will answer for.
Two viable options: Biden preempts these motherfuckers by using the immunity the asshats just granted to go scorched earth. Win back the house, maintain the senate and presidency, then go HARD at court reform. Climb up their asses with a fucking MICROSCOPE if you have to.