
Biden: posts a +2 shift in the polls, leads in many national polls for the first time in months Totally not conservative Twitter pundits: "he needs to drop out so someone can beat Trump" Trump, in interview with probation officer: "they feed car batteries to sharks, then they eat the windmills."
"Imagine getting electrocuted by a flying shark if your boat sinks. That is what happens if Biden gets back in..."
Trump is sounding more and more like the old person that somehow ducked their minders in the old folks home. Unhinged, unconnected, incoherent utterances tied together like they form a cohesive picture.
I'm convinced that all the people who point to Biden's occasional gaffs and say he's not fit to be president haven't actually listened to Trump in the past decade. Otherwise I don't see how they'd maintain a straight face.
2016 to 2022 was bad but even just in the last year or two it's gotten, somehow, even worse.
It's because Trump speeches are rarely played unedited anymore. TV/Radio stopped carrying Trump live and as a result whenever people hear him speak it's in a somewhat sane 15-second soundbite. If you watch Trump for any extended period of time you realize how far gone he is.
This is why I think the biggest benefit to Trump from the NYC was that it stopped it campaigning for a few weeks. The more folk actually hear his incoherent rambling on the campaign trail, the weaker he looks. See also: Trump's disastrous Covid briefings that his advisors begged him to stop doing.
New York Times: Trump's comments reveal a complex relationship with sharks and windmills.
i do think another candidate would've been much better off to face trump, but that ship has sailed. if we were allowed to run a primary earlier, any democrats would've won the gains from trump getting convicted and publicly going insane
I really don't. Look at what they have on Biden: 1) He is old - so is Trump 2) Hunter - Who cares - old news 3) Gaza? - Trump is worse 4) Economy - see market Plus you give up the incumbent advantage. I think the polls are reflecting a "punishment" that won't be in acted in November.
I mean, I would have preferred Elizabeth Warren in 2020 but it didn't happen so it's kinda pointless to argue now
True, and I would have voted for her in the primary if it wasn't clear who the candidate would be by then. Though I honestly don't know if she would have beaten Trump, or gotten as much done. He is just more pragmatic.
Media wants a horserace, desperately loves the clicky-clicks trump generates (NYT/WaPo can't wait to have him back in there so they can stick shit like "keep the sacred light of journalism lit, $8 please" on their mastheads).. polls predicted a red wave in '22... polling is beyond broken.
it's true that we would've lost the incumbent advantage, but biden has been widely known as "the guy you're stuck with" since before he first won the presidency. Generic Democrat has consistently outpolled him. we've got much sharper tongues to put up a debate against, too.
and yeah, Trump Is Worse is the go-to, but even considering that, a large portion of voters are people who are disillusioned to the point of not voting. they're wrong, but that's how they feel.
He wasn't my first choice, but he has also done a pretty good job. As far as debates go, I doubt they will happen, and the people you are talking about won't watch them anyway. Biden has a huge war chest, that I suspect his team will use with intent just before voting starts.
Pretty good? He’s done more for labor than any president since FDR, and more for the environment than any president ever. In the face of worse intransigence since reconstruction, no less.
Agree. But this is sky. Anything above pretty good usually reins down far left Biden hate.
Biden allowed his ass to get blown out by fucking Joe Manchin. He let the Parlaimentarian kill $15 minimum wage. He made up pictures of beheaded babies. We're probably stuck with him but dude's nothing but liabilities.
Did Manchin blow Biden's ass out before or after the senator from West Virginia voted for the biggest climate action bill to date?
The biggest climate action bill that was a third the size of it's actually adequate version and lost 75% of it's funding in negotiations.
West. Virginia. Admitting climate change is real is a stretch there.
We really are in the dumbest timeline aren't we?
It can always get dumber but we’re close.
Just read this - it is striking he is not in a home...
I predict that Trump is only another 5 pt drop in the polls away from completely losing it and the polls will quickly adjust down to a 55/40 Biden advantage with 5% undecided. Once that happens a lot of the current Republican politicians will be like rats jumping from a burning ship.
I am very angry I know what this is about.
It's gonna be this way all the way to November
The pundits are desperate for a Trump win to get more clicks
Q. How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb? A. One to paint the giraffe and the other to fill the bathtub with brightly colored machine tools. I think it might be time to update that joke.
Leftist on bluesky for some reason that still escapes me: “both candidates have battery fetishes, trump just says it out loud”