
I've been thinking about Schedule F, and while I'm pretty concerned about replacing federal gov't leadership with GOP hacks, I'm also here to tell you hack managers to repeat my favorite analogy "couldn't organize an orgy in a whorehouse."
Look, if you think the party of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Great Recession, the COVID crisis and 1/6 can magically orchestrate an autocratic takeover the US flawlessly I would like to know why. I do think however, there are many ways in which a flawed takeover could be really really bad.
This is why I always kinda roll my eyes at the 'competent fascist' stuff. Its inherently oxymoronic. Incompetence--malicious or otherwise--is a key component of what fascism actually is. That's in part what makes it so fucking dangerous and destructive.
It reminds me of that old Family Guy scene with Stewie at the pool where Lois says "the water wont bite" and he's like "you drown in it, you moron, it doesnt have to bite."
LOL, we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators.
I’m thinking about how someone pointed out the mass deportation that Trump is planning would quickly become a bloody affair as militarized deportation forces in border states with relatively higher rates of gun ownership began defending themselves and their families.
Disorder is equally effective.
Depends on how seriously you take the goal, I guess.
I don’t think they need competency to crash a complex system.
They don't. But if they don't have the competency to build a repressive one in its place we're in a lot better shape than if they could.
Yes, it won’t be built in a day.
Heckuva job Brownie to the nth degree. Effective where smashing things is the aim, but people are going to notice when industrial effluent starts coming out of their taps.