
Look, if you think the party of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Great Recession, the COVID crisis and 1/6 can magically orchestrate an autocratic takeover the US flawlessly I would like to know why. I do think however, there are many ways in which a flawed takeover could be really really bad.
Right. Put me down for “they largely fail in a way that’s extremely destructive and bloody” which is, you know, still bad.
The deportation force is the obvious example. I don't think they get everybody, or even close. But I also think the ensuing gunfights in Hialeah will fundamentally alter how America looks at the National Guard.
Also, I would be willing to bet there wouldn’t be much distinction between who is legal or illegal when they try to round people up.
I don't see how if we make it to free elections in 2026 or 2028 there isn't a massive Hispanic backlash against Republicans. You are gonna see guys in military uniform and ICE in those neighborhoods every day of the Trump admin.
Optimistic: the jig is up with burgeoning latine support once ICE is detaining friends and relatives at random.
Absolutely. But it’s still something I don’t want to happen!
100%. It sucks that so often orgs/govs/factions have to actually touch to stove to realize it's a terrible, no good idea.
the comparison I make is a guy waving around a gun. yes he's a very bad shot. no he probably can't hit all of us. this is still a concern and will be worse if we raise the barrier that let him at us.
I think once there are tanks in the streets or paramilitary assholes firing in the town square (and both of these things seem likely if Trump wins and tries to deport however many millions of people) what comes next is unknowable.
It’s best to view fascism as a human-caused natural disaster that can last a generation. It’s not a stable state, but the damage it can do escalates with fascist incompetence. Lot of their horrors are tantrums around their failures.
Trump/GOP has made clear what he plans to do. When/if he attempts it there will be various efforts made to resist him. How that plays out could give us 4 years of incompetent flailing around breaking things—or a civil war.
I'm far more concerned their attempts at creating a one-party state cause civil conflict or a military coup than I am that they easily succeed.