
SCOTUS has ruled that presidents are essentially monarchs who can commit crimes, bribery is legal, federal regulatory agencies have no authority to keep us safe, and homeless people can be punished for being homeless. Is it any wonder why public approval of this court is so low?
at the very least there are six justices who'd better not be able to enjoy a single meal in public ever again
Technically can't biden have them killed?
no the rules would obviously be different for democrat presidents
Well yeah but that will only come to pass after the case gets to the now-liberal supreme court. And Biden can take one for the team.
Joe could do the funniest thing in history right now.. The RNC is coming up...
I'm going to stick with my new term that I've just thought about it today after the ruling. The SC has just created a monster called the "political kingpin" who will abuse more power that he thinks he has from this day forwards. Sign... 🥴
Well, now that MAGA SCOTUS has turned the presidency into an imperial king, while Biden is still in ofc, here’s questions I have - Can Biden: 1. Stop power transfer in Jan, if Trump wins by a tiny margin 2. Tell his DOJ to arrest Trump (felon)now? SCOTUS now gives him the power to do so.🙄
January 6th was a side show, SCOTUS is the real coup and it’s been going on quietly for several years.
There is no wonder why public opinion is SCOTUS is corrupt. I’m just really mad about their crazy decision. I think, though, that Dark Biden should test it out. He should get busy for the rest of his term going after the Republicans. Gloves off.
The dissenting opinion on Trump's immunity case put out by Justice Sotomayor (joined by Justice Kagan and Justice Jackson) is nothing short of an 11th hour warning against an approaching dictatorship in America.
Do you think they ever cared about approval? #Treason
So much for American democracy. This bodes badly for the entire world, not just the US. The planet is on fire with climate change, wars, corruption, genocide, waste, poverty, floods, drought, corporate greed, fascism, racism, misogyny etc, and now we might get KingTrump? Make it stop please.
He can only accept commit crimes if it's an official crime though. As long as he uses the right people to help him commit a crime it's ok.
Public disapproval needs to translate into action by the president taking advantage of this ruling
And maybe by all of us. Make your voice heard. Contact your representatives and express your disapproval of this ruling.
How can the USA legal system permit a convicted felon to be a presidential candidate?
Presidents hardly, just Trump.
From this day forward, all the discussion about replacing Biden needs to stop as it is, literally, yesterday's news. The new question is: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Which new and mighty "official act" executive powers has Joe Biden used TODAY to stop Mango Hitler ll and bring the corrupt SCOTUS 6 to heel?
The USA is now a Republic of the banana type. No more crowing about the best democracy in the world. That's something.
it's a coup without bloodshed.... yet
And that approval or lack thereof means literally nothing to them.
maybe we should vote harder.
Or maybe, Biden should use the power he’s imbued with today by the corrupt SCOTUS, to give his DOJ an order to arrest Trump, for stealing our secrets. He’s already a felon. He can run his campaign from prison. Then, stop the power transfer come Jan. SCOTUS said all presidents can do this, right.
Otherwise known as “in order to cure the disease we had to kill the patient” gambit.
As I understand it, the court has no actual power to enforce any ruling it makes. It has no control of money, no control of armies, it has nothing but public belief in its legitimacy. When it is no longer a legitimate institution, does anyone really feel bound to abide by its rulings?
This 2/3 treasonous court is bringing down democracy as we watch 🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚🐚
Always wanted great/grand/kids but never blessed. Today, I thank God that he knew better. This country is going to shits with Trump, Heritage Foundation, GOP and the conservatives on SCOTUS. I just feel sorry on the future for the rest of my family and friends.
I read in Deuteronomy 17 that God holds even a king responsible for obeying the law of the land. Trump may be able to raise himself to the level of a king, but that doesn't mean God won't hold him accountable.
Disgust. Public disgust
Joe, send Seal Team 6 and arrest those 6 criminals. Sorry USA, with all these ‘SCROTUS’ rulings you lost any reputation as a functioning democracy. The only thing preventing lawlessness and chaos is integrity of President Biden’s administration.
It’s going to take a lot more than a historically low approval rating to fix what’s wrong with this Supreme Court.