Adam Kaiserman

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Adam Kaiserman

Professor, Teacher, Writer
Post-45 US Lit & Mass Media
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Reposted byAvatar Adam Kaiserman
What a disgustingly anti-patriotic message to publish on July 4th, a complete lack of any civic pride. I’m glad that I cancelled my subscription. #birdcageliner #dumbrag
I like a used book that still has a crisp Borders sticker more than a decade after the company folded.
Generally, I find true crime unseemly. Am I the only one?
Cough cough . . . Heresy of the paraphrase . . . Cough cough. Or, read for an exam and learn nothing.
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
I dunno. . . We could drain the earth if it’s resources so people could turn in bs and lie to me. Might be worth it.
Once again asking all educators who're embracing AI to consider how the technology's mounting environmental harms are antithetical to our work with young people and their futures on a habitable planet.
Review: Not enough moviegoing in Walker Percy’s The Moviegoer.
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related to "these people should take humanities courses": people pushing LLMs loved AIs that you talk to in classic sci-fi and interpreted that as a normative goal in part because they lacked the critical interpretive skills to understand that those systems served a narrative, expositional purpose
talking to the ship's computer in star trek works well as a narrative device for a television show, but punching a couple of buttons is faster, and I want a simply answer, usually, not an answer with a personality attached
But hold on. . . I hear Biden is a little bit older.
We're all becoming desensitized. This is how it happens. The former US president is ***threatening another coup if he loses and it's not even news***.
Grant me peace!
Evergreen reminder that you don’t have to be the first person to retweet breaking news
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Here's what everyone needs to know* about climate change: 🌍 It's real 👥 It's human-caused ⚠️ It's serious 💡 With immediate action, it's solvable ⌛ Later is too late * social science shows these msgs increase acceptance of the issue, awareness of the risk and, most importantly, willingness to act.
Over 10 years as a published author and writer, and I have to say that in my experience, that is to say in my opinion, the simplest, best, and most efficient way to dramatically improve my written work, and the hardest to do now that I mention it, is to eliminate the words that aren’t truly, 💯% n …
Over 24 years as a professional writer, I've learned that the simplest way to improve my work dramatically is to cut it down.
Will we transform the oceans into lemonade as well?
i can’t wait for the ai bubble to burst
No labels, no candidates. It turns out standing for nothing isn’t that appealing.
Breaking News: The centrist political group No Labels will not run a presidential ticket this year, having failed to recruit a candidate, its leader said.
Election Updates: No Labels abandons its effort to field a presidential
R/T if you agree!
Part of the feeling of stasis on Bluesky comes from the fact that everyone is repeatedly retweeting the same handful of posts.
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Part of the feeling of stasis on Bluesky comes from the fact that everyone is repeatedly retweeting the same handful of posts.
The problem is the public discourse wrongly construes that every degree leads to one job. So few degrees really work like that and the ones that do are often not that useful.
English majors can do almost anything & be successful at it —so unless you want to make widgets, get replaced by an AI bot, or be an office drone, consider it. Pass it on
A new level of shrinkflation!
Trader Joe's Hold the Cone Tips are a new food-where-the-bit-is-that-we-had-an-industrial-accident. The 90s are so back.
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"I have to go to the bathroom"
How many cops does it take to drain NY’s coffers?
day 2 of candy crush regionals is heating up
In the beginning they all lived happily ever after. Then things got interesting.
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One of the things people don't want to talk about is that the real way to fight the chatbot problem in academia is to reduce class sizes and hire fulltime faculty. When it's adjuncts running massive classrooms with no support, it's going to inevitably lead to students and faculty cutting corners...
Knowing that a chatbot is “grading” your assignment is a great incentive for students to give minimum effort and craft assignments that are specific to the dictates of the machine: boring, rote, and drained of creativity and originality.
Teachers are embracing ChatGPT-powered Writable: AI tool that grades papers for teachers using ChatGPT
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they're getting devious
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“The American Southwest has become the site of a collision between two civilization-defining trends. In this desert heat, the explosive growth of generative AI is pitched against a changing climate’s treacherous extremes.”
AI Is Taking the Drinking Water in Goodyear, New data centers are springing up every week. Can the Earth sustain them?