Beatrice Adler-Bolton

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Beatrice Adler-Bolton

co-host Death Panel Podcast | co-author Health Communism with Artie Vierkant | blind/sick/surplus
Reposting now that we got them to update the image, and since the piece came out on Friday in the middle of debate discourse and scotus rulings. and I for The Nation: Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Away.
Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Mask bans are ostensibly about public safety. The result would be disastrous for public health—but it goes beyond that, too.
"Masks did not become a symbol of solidarity overnight...There is still much work to be done. But if you ever stopped masking, there has rarely been a better time to start again. Mask up and show your solidarity. Eric Adams will hate it."
“There is still much work to be done. But if you ever stopped masking, there has rarely been a better time to start again. Mask up and show your solidarity. Eric Adams will hate it.” Thank you and ❤️
Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Mask bans are ostensibly about public safety. The result would be disastrous for public health—but it goes beyond that, too.
Organizer Olan Mijana: masking at protests is about “communicating that we deny the Biden administration’s narrative about Covid […] It’s abt collective safety, and it’s also about connecting this Covid neglect to the very issues that we’re marching on the DNC for.”
Masks Are a Symbol of Solidarity. Don’t Let Democrats Take Them Mask bans are ostensibly about public safety. The result would be disastrous for public health—but it goes beyond that, too.
In our latest, we explore an odious attempt by Freddie deBoer to make a case for involuntary commitment, in which he claims “the disability activist community and their enablers in the media have done everything in their power to obscure the truth.”
On New York Magazine's "The Case for Forcing the Mentally Ill Into Treatment" (06/24/24) | The Death Get more from The Death Panel on Patreon
since people are liking this, please please check out the recent episodes by on mask bans! they go into this much better than my silly little poste
yeag, the mask bans are explicitly being framed as a way to unmask protesters! just like many of the original mask bans! first implemented in ny as a way to unmask labor activists ! just great!
This episode rocks. Just hearing someone else react to this BS the same way that I do makes me feel better. Then there's also great context and analysis from some great hosts.
In our latest, we explore an odious attempt by Freddie deBoer to make a case for involuntary commitment, in which he claims “the disability activist community and their enablers in the media have done everything in their power to obscure the truth.”
On New York Magazine's "The Case for Forcing the Mentally Ill Into Treatment" (06/24/24) | The Death Get more from The Death Panel on Patreon
This is such a good episode. We all need to look out for each other now more than ever 🇵🇸😷
In our latest, we look at the rise of anti-mask legislation in New York and North Carolina: how North Carolina managed to make its mask ban worse, why New York Democrats are trying the same thing, and how the rise of bans is an attempt to break solidarity
The Rise of Mask Bans (06/20/24) Beatrice, Artie and Phil discuss New York Democrats’ plan to ban masks on the subway and beyond, and take a close look at the latest updates on North Carolina’s anti-mask bill HB237, “Unmasking Mobs a
In Health Communism we spent a decent chunk of the book thinking against the idea that sick and disabled people don’t have the right to rebellion, protest or political speech—I feel like I’m seeing echos of Talcott Parsons & criminalization of SPK in so much rhetoric coming from Dems on mask bans 🧵
In the book we discuss two moments in history where beliefs that illness/disability disqualified someone from political protest/speech were used to deny rights & suppress movements. These 2 e.g. are really helpful to think with. 1st is Talcott Parsons' "sick role" theory
Parsons saw illness/disability as deviance & was interested in cementing the power & authority of doctors over patients. To Parsons, every sick person was an island, surrounded by "the well" & should not form groups together—this was essential, he thought, towards curing people.
Parsons' "sick role" depoliticizes illness, individuating it, to undermine patient self-determination & legitimacy as subject to the authority of "the well" who could lead the sick back to society (if they were deserving) preventing sick/disabled ppl from building power together
2nd e.g. illness/disability held up as antithetical to protest in 1970s Germany. SPK, a radical group of patient organizers, were initially accepted by the institution they were protesting & provided support/funds for their project—but they soon faced criminalization & repression
SPK’s status as psychiatric patients was used against them to demonize their doctor collaborators & undermine legitimacy of their political speech against a continuing project of eugenics—pathologized, criminalized & repressed—deemed incapable of protest by psychiatrists
We finished Health Communism in 2021—summer of vax & relax/back to normal just starting. Palestine was also facing escalating settler violence—zionist entity committed the Wehda Street massacre—1 day after Nakba Day. Current vibes heavily mirror what was on our minds as we wrote
if you want to learn about the Wehda Street massacre in Gaza 2021 Mondoweiss has great coverage of the escalation of settler colonial violence during that first spring/summer of the covid vaccine roll out (we also briefly discuss in our ep with Danya)
Israel’s Wehda Street massacre shows it seeks to annihilate us. We won’t let With the Wehda Street massacre in Gaza, Israel has taken the so-called “conflict” to its origin - the Nakba, its attempt to annihilate the Palestinian people.
In our latest, we look at the rise of anti-mask legislation in New York and North Carolina: how North Carolina managed to make its mask ban worse, why New York Democrats are trying the same thing, and how the rise of bans is an attempt to break solidarity
The Rise of Mask Bans (06/20/24) Beatrice, Artie and Phil discuss New York Democrats’ plan to ban masks on the subway and beyond, and take a close look at the latest updates on North Carolina’s anti-mask bill HB237, “Unmasking Mobs a
In our latest, we discuss recent attempts to portray social distancing guidance as a “costly” overreach with no science to support it, and how this new round of controversy omits significant context about 2021’s political battles over social distancing
3 Feet Under (06/17/24) | The Death Get more from The Death Panel on Patreon