
Imagine living through the biggest expansion of public healthcare since Medicare and saying “nope, that’s nothing” Imagine seeing gains in civil rights be snatched away by allowing right-wingers to take control in 2016 and saying “see, that proves the democrats were lying”
Imagine the Democratic Party promised you a public option and instead gave you merely a transfer of public funds to the coffers of the health insurance industry in the form of expanded for profit healthcare. Now imagine some dude is trying to convince you that was a good thing.
You always know when liberals pull out the “don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good” argument that they’re talking about something that is so insanely awful that it is not only not perfect, but nowhere close to good.
Dude is still going on about how awesome it is that we transferred so much tax payer money to for profit middlemen for no reason other than to keep the graft spigot open for the Democratic Party.
Let me tell you a little story about what life was like before the ACA. My baby was born with a preexisting condition requiring major surgery. I had to move to be closer to the hospital. When it came time to pick insurance, one told me they didn't know if they would cover the bills. The ACA helps.
Ma’am, nobody is arguing NO reform is better than a *little.* What the issue is is that you have been *so* conditioned to accepting absolute scraps that you chastise anyone for daring to mention that they’re scraps. Because that’s what it is. Scraps. I literally work in healthcare.
I am literally a health care provider.
Good for you. I've literally done billing and had to fight insurance companies for prior authorization. You want to keep up this pissing contest?
Dems want to keep insurance companies around. They shouldn't exist at all. Why are you defending them?
Should we make the system better by removing the for-profit insurance layer for non-elective healthcare?
Okay but under what circumstances do you believe you were getting more than the ACA?
Under the circumstances that we were promised more and Obama had enough democrats to give us more.
No he didn't, it got through the senate by exactly one vote
Ted Kennedy died August 29, 2009 and was replaced by a Republican, Scott Brown in January, which prevented the House from making any modifications to the bill. They did make a companion bill that passed by reconciliation and patched a lot of holes
Oh I got this one easy! What I was getting was my own money. My choice was to pay for insurance that I couldn’t afford to use or get a tax penalty. Did the math and the tax penalty was lower than what I’d have paid for insurance that year.
The ACA only hurt people that were too poor to go to the doctors but made too much to get assistance
I'm a retired RN manager in long term care. I am well-aquainted with the problems in healthcare.
You’re technically correct that the dude claiming he’s gotten “nothing” from democrats isn’t claiming “no reform is better than a little”, he’s claiming the “a little” reform didn’t happen. Glad we agree it’s not “nothing”!
The ACA was the health insurance industry’s wet dream. If the GOP had dreamed up a perfect way to transfer tax money to industry they couldn’t have done it better. We still have just as many people suffering health care related bankruptcies and 68,000 people dying a year from lack of care.
the GOP was heavily involved in writing the ACA, the public opposition to it was purely a performance lol. it's very funny how dems always bring the ACA out as some huge victory that they accomplished against the GOP
Before the ACA I couldn’t afford any insurance, after the ACA I still couldn’t afford any insurance but got fined for it.
Incremental changes that don't affect the status quo only serve to diminish the momentum for real change and policy solutions. Look at what you're doing now, defending something that is woefully inadequate. 68K people die annually due to a lack of healthcare after the ACA. You're okay with that?
I think that's called the tranquilizing drug of incramentalism. Everyone should get healthcare regardless of finances.
We get it. You are comfortable now so we should suffer because of it.
Did I say that? You people who only think in black and white are the problem. You just want to bitch and moan instead of working to find reasonable solutions.
You don't want reasonable solutions You want obedience and submitting to your fascist candidates. Your grey area is not even reasonable. You are the reason the dems get to be terrible. You reward them..
Blah blah blah God, you are so boring and predictable. Pathetic.
So glad you got yours! Fuck everyone else! Hell yeah!
I’m glad to hear you got help. I’m sorry for what your family was put through.
LOL - what have YOU done about it? The ACA is better than what we had before, and even that was nearly impossible to get through with opposition. You realize you can't just magic solutions into existence - there is a complete legislative process to make it happen with a band of cutthroats opposed?
You’re conditioned to accept scraps and chastising the people who dare call it exactly that.
what do you propose? what is your solution?
Oh sorry, I was busy at work. In healthcare. Couldn’t drop my syringe for your answer soon enough. The answer? Really? It’s actually quite clear what the answer is. Single payer like every other developed nation has. My God.
We’ve been bitching for universal healthcare for well over 10 years now. How does that work? Go look at every other developed nation. You’d rather be right than happy. Probably tip the waiter penny faced-down, too, gotta maintain that false sense of superiority.
I honestly don't know what else to do about it - the solution is incremental change, the opposing party spent the past 13 years trying to undo what the Obama admin accomplished in 2010. You think there is an easy answer to this - I would LOVE to hear it.
my solution is that people stop acting like you have to have a solution handy before you're allowed to identify a problem
Bye! Have fun storming the castle!
The “opposition” to the ACA was within the Democratic Party themselves. Not one Republican voted for it. So the reason the ACA sucks is because sold out democrats didn’t want it to be better.
Wait. So FEW democrats were opposed to things in the ACA... and ALL Republicans were so the Democrats were the problem??? You do realize that the dictatorial hegemony of the GOP is the problem, right? Please tell me you realize that. Saying "we should be more like the fascists!" ain't gonna fly.
If the best Democrats can do for the left with a 59-41 majority (and control of the House and the Presidency) is to maximize the corporate profitability of healthcare then why would the left ever support them again?
okay, again - who do you intend to support instead? a minority third party that strips away votes from the left-leaning party your unhappy with and puts another Trump in power? that seems, short-sighted.
"If the best Democrats can do" 'Democrats' aren't a thing. You're asking for hegemony: dominance of a group. That's a *bad* thing. The solution isn't more hegemony, it's less.
No, the reason it sucks is because Obama caved in to all the Republican amendments in the hope that they would vote for it. He should have stuck to his guns from the beginning and said "fuck you" to the Republicans. It's what I hate about Biden, he thinks you can reason with those assholes.