Gabi 雪

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Gabi 雪

Misanthrope. Lawyer fetish. Spooky Action at a Distance. A bit Mimsy. Aspiring ornamental hermit. Brilliantly bipolar.
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My government agency is hiring lawyers in my office. Folks, we have the opportunity to make half of the government lawyers in this agency’s regional trial team be furries. I’m just saying.
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NEWS Court filing says Trump has posted $175 million bond to avert asset seizure while he appeals civil fraud penalty. Via AP
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By prohibiting factually inaccurate attacks on a judge’s child, this attack strikes at the heart of the First Amendment by outlawing the most core, essential elements of the Republican Party’s 2024 platform.
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Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies. It took two years to get the video.
Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported Revealed: Savannah Graziano, 15, shot by sheriff’s deputies in 2022 while unarmed and following instructions to move toward them
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weird how these videos tend to get out right around 2 years later
Father kills mother, kidnaps daughter. Police chase father. His car is stopped. The daughter crawls towards police on the order of a police officer. Deputies start shooting at her and don't stop even when ordered. She dies. It took two years to get the video.
Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported Revealed: Savannah Graziano, 15, shot by sheriff’s deputies in 2022 while unarmed and following instructions to move toward them
Hey do you have any ideas?
hey teacher bluesky! what's a really solid workbook for a kid trying to learn to read english? kiddo speaks it fluently but is bilingual. age 7
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hey teacher bluesky! what's a really solid workbook for a kid trying to learn to read english? kiddo speaks it fluently but is bilingual. age 7
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Most of the things Trump does are dumb if you’re trying to win in court but sensible if you want to be a fascist dictator beloved of violent brownshirts.
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I just love how the FBI—which was incapable of detecting January 6 while journalists were constantly raising alarms about the planning—is entirely capable of tracking down insignificant posts from one random person so long as their last name is "Abdeljawad."
FBI agents questioned a woman over FB posts critical of Israel. None called for or suggested any sort of violence. Agent told her he questions people about social media posts "every day, all day long." Also said FB preemptively sent them screenshots of her account.
FBI agent says he hassles people 'every day, all day long' over Facebook
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today is like the super bowl for deeply unfunny people
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I've reached out to the offices of all 22 Democrats who voted to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib because of her comments on Israel/Palestine to see if they planned to do the same for her Republican colleague from Michigan.
Michigan U.S. Rep. Tim Walberg said the solution in Gaza “should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima” and said the U.S. “shouldn’t be spending a dime on humanitarian aid”
Michigan Republican congressman suggests nuking Gaza, ending humanitarian “It should be like Nagasaki and Hiroshima. Get it over quick,
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FBI agents questioned a woman over FB posts critical of Israel. None called for or suggested any sort of violence. Agent told her he questions people about social media posts "every day, all day long." Also said FB preemptively sent them screenshots of her account.
FBI agent says he hassles people 'every day, all day long' over Facebook
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i think whenever trump leaves the house people should drop everything to do the 'i'm squishing your head' thing from kids in the hall at him, to the extent that no one can get any work done
You know, a lot of people are being sassy in your replies, but I really needed this right now. Being in the sandwich generation has never sucked so hard. Thank you.
Everything’s going to be okay
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Serious: Before coming to bluesky I had exactly zero trans friends in my life. I wasn’t prejudiced, but I was desperately uninformed. Now I don’t just see you, I love and appreciate you and will fight for you. I don’t share your life experience, but today I’m celebrating two kinds of non binary 😉
Also I think trans day of visibility should maybe get more attention 🤷‍♀️ Bipolar is rough but we aren’t getting beaten to death at school about it
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And here's a NatGeo story on such cards, which notes that these weren't taken seriously, and were mostly just joking around, or at best just a way to start flirting with someone. But, of course: "parents were very fearful of this kind of secret communication. Always a moral panic somewhere.
Saucy ‘Escort Cards’ Were a Way to Flirt in the Victorian 19th-century Americans used cheeky cards to stretch social convention and find romance.
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So for totally random reasons, I have only just become aware of "acquaintance cards," a Victorian era practice that was mostly mocking "calling cards" or the wealthy, but where they were, um, somewhat more direct. Many of them are awful (and stalkerish), but also kind of incredible.
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The Bipolar Flag! This was made by a cyclothymic artist who asked me to post it but not call them out. I love it. I see all of you today, even - and perhaps especially - those for whom being seen means being represented. I will fly this proud.
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It's always a delight to see Mox ( absolutely filleting the ring wings over their garbage takes.
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I feel like Bluesky would appreciate this restaurant
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One of the most striking things about social media is how it allows us to watch people lose their minds in real time. Imagine seeing a movie you like or a ubiquitous symbol and talking yourself into seething with rage.
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Henri Cartier-Bresson, Easter Sunday in Harlem, 1947
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now that i think about it jesus was messy for that
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If you see me installing these across my city no you didn’t
I feel like Oslo is not ready for this type of activism but given how badly cars don't seem to understand pedestrian crossings it's probably justified
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Let there be peas on earth.