Troublesome Witch Girl 🌙

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Troublesome Witch Girl 🌙

heretic child
📌Just your periodic reminder, not at ALL connected to recent statements from America’s Right to Violence party, that a rising divorce rate is good, actually, and that no-fault divorce keeps women and children alive, and that anyone claiming the opposite is part of a death cult, full stop.📌
Lady Sparkle let me pet her today!!! She even seemed to like it!! She purred!! And then... SHE GAVE ME A KISS
Yesterday on the trail because we're too busy to go today
TIL that India has the only accurate culture conception of an Owl, an animal with problem solving skills ranked somewhere between those of a carrot and a potato.
this is now the 2nd book in not that long I've read that's set in India where they have an Indian character call another character wise as an owl and I am begging you to talk to ppl from subcontinent THE OWL IS CONSIDERED A FOOLISH BIRD IN INDIA IT IS NEVER USED AS PRAISE
Never forget, that when conservatives talk about "free market capitalism", what they really yearn for is the days in which employers could hire Pinkertons to slaughter striking workers. What they want, is corporate feudalism.
Via Gabriellus Landsbergis, the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania: "This is Rango. Rango was rescued from our back yard and immediately promoted to Official Cat of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania."
The law is Paragraph 175 Soviet controlled East Germany reverted to the progressive Weimar Republic interpretation of the law and legalized homosexuality in the 50s Allied controlled West Germany kept the Nazis' 1935 version of the law
omfg if you need him out of the house that badly, if this is such a CRISIS and everyone is so TENSE and UPSET and AFRAID OF WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN NEXT just get your checkbook out, give him enough for first and last, to get a bus pass or his car running again so he can get a job, and show him the door!
The funniest thing about democrat billionaire donors trying to dictate the democratic primary is they’re all actually republicans
"List of conservative groups lying their fucking asses off about abandoning project 2025 keeps growing" Same as erasing their support for forced birth: they didn't suddenly become cheerleaders for bodily autonomy, they just realized they need to stfu to get what they want
la Livraria Lello à Porto est réputée pour son architecture néo-gothique époustouflante et est considérée comme l'une des plus belles librairies du monde. 📚✨
Nazimova, often imitated but never matched. I love the attention she has been getting because for a while, she was a victim of what I call NPCing. Basically, when a fandom is fixated on their favorite, the view every other person as background, painting them as friend or foe.
Cheng Pei-pei (1946 - 2024)
The billionaire who's been bribing Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito donated a $10 million bribe to Senate Republicans to block Supreme Court reforms and investigations. Everyone understands these are bribes. Normalize calling them bribes.
Facing Dem Scrutiny, Alito Benefactor Paul Singer Donates $10 Million to The donation, to the Mitch McConnell-aligned Senate Leadership Fund, is Singer’s largest ever.
Natacha Rambova by James Abbe, 1923.
This morning’s massive Windows/Crowdstrike outage is another opportunity to repost this excellent illustration of the state of our software infrastructure.
Matchbox, 19 July
Welp, it took 15 days from the start of this absurd debacle but, having found no takers, Matt's (38 year old) brother finally managed to work up his unmitigated nerve, borrow mom's cell phone, and leave a message begging Matt to call him back, on mom's cellphone, because he has a big favor to ask...
Sessue Hayakawa: cinema’s forgotten sex symbol who was saved from death by his dog - The brooding and brilliant Japanese actor rivalled Rudolph Valentino but battled orientalist caricature before finding solace in Zen and watercolours
Walter Tyndale, Sphinx by Moonlight, 1912
whenever anyone says "freedom of religion" or "religious liberty" it means "the government will impose far-right christian values on everyone"
Blue Dasher Dragonfly Is this where the Pixar tryouts are happening?
Rétro time, jeux vidéo , les prémices de la console TV vintage de type SEGA des annees 80