
Pretty sure that winning seats and not focusing on vote share was Labour's tactic, you know. It paid off
Good for you! You got everything you wanted! Hope you're going to be very happy with the results going forward ♥️
Well, not everything I want, obviously, as that's not how the system works. I am very pleased to have a Labour and not a Conservative government.
Yay! Red poverty, transphobia and genocide instead of blue poverty, transphobia and genocide!
But with a much higher chance of moving away from those things, instead of hurtling ever more rapidly towards.
I wish that were true, but there's absolutely no chance of moving away from those things. This lot are further right than Cameron's government was in 2010.
This has been my argument for it. I didn't vote for Cameron's lot in 2010 because they were too right wing, and I've gottne more left since then, so why the hell would I vote Starmer now just cos he's on a red ticket!
I can still hold out hope. But this is a global issue, looking at France and Germany. And the US...
I have bad news about the trajectory of every Labour government in office, ever.
How old were you under Blair?
This isn't Blair's government. Writing everything off as hopeless from the get-go does what, exactly?
Why, are they going to do anything different?
Yes, I expect that they will. We will see. If nothing else I think they are serious about governing, which the last lot were not.
What does that mean though? You don't think George Osborne was just as serious about his fiscal rules and attacking people on benefits as Rachel Reeves is?
No. Tory policy is to shrink the state, Labour's is not, although they a) had tough job to convince enough voters that they won't "bankrupt the country" and b) have a really difficult starting point to build it back and may well fail
Well it's a very fucking stupid tactic I'm sure you'll agree
It did for Carla Denyer that's for sure!