
15m jobs in a bit over 3 years is the kind of thing that would’ve won you reelection by 25 points in the past
if you want to understand why Biden's economic record has been unpopular, compare and contrast today's NBC News article about strong job growth and record low unemployment with a 2017 NBC news article about the stock market hitting record highs:
Coming around to the idea that a substantial proportion of the population climbed into the Hell Machine during the pandemic and locked themselves in.
A large proportion of those that work in media are represented.
But did you know he's old
Biden is old, elect the other guy, no I will not Google his age
I saw this earlier and am wondering if we’re gonna see Biden’s numbers go up as people notice inflation has slowed and we’re actually doing really good. Rasmussen routinely had positive numbers for Trump while he was in office, so them having Biden approval at -9 might mean something.
Rasmussen tends to err on the right side of the political scale. It's not a reliable indicator.
Yeah, I acknowledged their bias in my post.
Ah the halcyon days when people based their decisions on reality
It's not a fair comparison though. Think about it from a totally non-partisan view, regardless of who was in office. There were a ton of jobs lost at the beginning of COVID that came back after the Jan 2021 transition. Almost all were going to come back either way. They weren't "new" jobs.
this is not a “non-partisan” perspective. it’s just completely wrong
Okay, you've convinced me. COVID had nothing to do with job losses and gains. Sorry for existing.
that’s not what i said. please learn to read
So you agree or disagree that many jobs lost because of COVID came back after Jan 20, 2021, and would have done so regardless of who was president?
some would’ve, yes. not all and certainly not 15m+
Doesn't matter. Nobody would accept that kind of excuse for a Democrat - Democratic presidents are considered responsible for whatever happens during their full term of office, and Trump should be too.
IF you’re a Republican president. MSM loves to prop Republican presidents as pro business and pro jobs and good for economy
It's probably the reason Biden is polling a lot better than Justin Trudeau or other incumbent world leaders. Along with inflation being lower in the USA than some other places.